If you are an online marketer, blogger, or writer, who have just adopted Joomla then you will love to know the real way of driving organic traffic to your website and stay away with the deadly outcomes of algorithm updates of Google. In recent interviews, the spam control engineer Matt Cutts has shared insights about the ongoing search improvement of Google.
He has clearly mentioned that the recent ‘Panda Update’ is a part of 500 upcoming updates. So, it is clearly of no use to follow Google’s panda & penguin update to gain ranks & traffic at search engine fronts. And, Google has mentioned it in its official blog.
So, now we have a grand question: what makes a good blogging site? It becomes important to find the underlying reasons when it comes to the dependence on open source software applications. Joomla is undoubtedly an interesting tool for creating great websites but it requires personal attention, passion, and survival instinct.
As a blogger using Joomla, you need to understand its web architecture, impact of search engine on your blog, post optimization, and social media sharing methods.
So, let us explore our first question that how search engine estimates the authority of a blog.
How SEO Impact Blogs?
Well, it is indeed true that you need to have a sound understanding of how Google and other search engines look at your blogging site. In a report, Google has asked the blogger to think like an engineer of Google to contrive the great pieces of contents for their blogs. In this report, Amit Singhal, the Google fellow, has clearly indicated that the bloggers should try to focus on their readers instead of automated search engine robots while creating contents.
You as a blogger need to target on human readers. Therefore, you need to understand first hand perspective of a reader on your blog posts. Technically, Google looks at the stuffs that make a blog site easily readable for online readers. For example, a blog should use a theme, which can give a memorable reading experience to readers. Moreover, the blog should behave like a helpful resource for your visitors.
Control the Quality of Your Blog
When you are flying with Joomla, you do not get enough help in quality control, especially within the admin area. So, you can try ‘Joomla Content Editor’ (JCE) in your website for the removal of errors. But, before submitting the contents in the JCE, you must look at the substantial part of your blog post. You need to ask some questions from yourself before hitting the submit button.
Can this article go for print magazine or book?
Does this article give actionable tips to the reader?
Will the reader create the PDF copy of this article for future reference?
Does it need any further editing?
Is it hastily produced contents?
Is it Original?
You must ask these questions from yourself before submitting the post in your blog. In this way, the originality does not stand for the plagiarism check. On the other hand, the content should be original in the way of presentation, facts, logics, and conclusion.
Social Sharing Changes the Game!
As this is the age of social media networking so, you must be aware of the matrix of social content sharing. In a study conducted by Branded3, it has been found that number of RTs carrying URL affects the ranking of that particular URL. As per the report, the URL gets the benefit in below given manner.
50 Tweets: This many tweets do not visibly affects the ranking but definitely strengthens the URL.
500 Tweets: This many tweets decide the average ranking at search engine result pages by 46th position.
5000 Tweets: Well, if you have earned such huge jump then the URL will rank averagely on 31st position.
7500 Tweets: This is a real success. With this many tweets, you can reach on 5th position of SERP against your keywords.
Do You Have Your Tools
Now, the main question comes. It is needful for Joomla based bloggers to use all the needed components for keeping your posts optimized for search engines. Technically, you help search engines in understanding your blogging contents for helping their users in finding the contents of your blog.
So, you just need to add some search signals in your blog to enhance the searchability of your blog. You can add below given plugins.
Qlue Custom 404
It is an extremely resourceful component to fix the 404 issue of your blog. Sometimes the reader of your blog accidently land on a deleted pages or broken link, it harms the image of your blog. So, you can redirect your visitors from any 404 error page to your designated page. You can use the site map at this page.
Easy Tag Cloud
It is an effective plugin for tag management in a Joomla blog. It can fetch keywords (Tags) from Metadata and descriptions.
With this plugin, you can make your web page URLs readable for human readers as well as search spiders. You only need to rewrite your URLs after including right keywords.
Now, you need to write creative, focused, original, and not-so-obvious contents for your targeted readers. It is needful to understand for you that the love & appreciation from your real readers will increase your blog’s reputation. So, just target the real readers and keep blogging.