Top 3 Best SmartPhone Applications for GPS Navigation

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In the modern day, cell phone navigation is becoming even more integrated and thereby even more important. On some of the higher range smartphones you have the ability to navigate as comprehensively as if you had bought a dedicated GPS device.

The great thing is that you’re not limited to a certain phone if you want excellent navigation- most of the best tools tend to be apps that you can download to your smartphone- giving you a little bit more freedom in choosing your phone; although with some apps it may come down to Android vs. iOS. But then again, doesn’t it always?)

So I’ve made a list of what I believe to be the 3 best GPRS navigation apps for you to consider.

1. NavFree


It’s a Navigation application, and it’s free (Believe me, the website makes it very clear just how free it is!) NavFree boasts turn-by-turn navigation as well as on-board storage of maps so that you don’t have to have a data connection to be able to navigate. It’s an excellent app with support in 34 countries (Constantly growing too).

Everything is free from downloading and storage to updating and of course, usage. As far as free solutions go, you’re hard-pressed to find anything better than NavFree; and the best thing about it is it’s available across platforms, so whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone, you’ll be able to download and use it.

2. Sygic

The second strong recommendation is Sygic – another excellent navigation tool, with COMPREHENSIVE offline map support (They boast that their maps are just as in-depth as Tom-Tom maps, strong claim but they back it up).


It’s also available of iPhone and Android (It used to be available on the Nokia Ovi store, but there doesn’t seem to be compatibility for current flagship Nokias).

The catch? Unfortunately its not as ‘Free’ as NavFree. You can download a trial for free but you eventually have to purchase the application outright in order to have full features. Having said that, it is worth every cent, a premium GPS app with excellent offline compatibility.

3. Waze


The Final recommendation is Waze- Although Waze is a little different from the other two. It’s a bit of a navigation app- and a social network if that makes sense. It offers navigational features as you’d expect, but it’s a community driven application and therein lays its strength.

Drivers are constantly on the application updating other drivers of traffic on certain routes, roadblocks, even gas prices! So you just need to keep tabs of what your community members are saying and use that to your advantage to make your route as convenient and stress free as possible. Its definitely a unique feature and makes it a more friendly and fun alternative.

All in all, you’re in safe hands whether you turn to the paid apps or the free apps- navigation is following the trends of most smartphone apps.

The smartphone world is an increasingly advanced one, but I’m grateful for all of these advancements because they will help your life (And navigation) become a lot easier to live in the long run.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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