3 Key Factors to Consider in Mobile App Development

This article listed things to consider in Mobile app development. Mobile apps are incredibly hot today thanks to the widespread adoption of smartphones and tablet computers. There has never been a better time to get into the mobile app market, particularly with the addition of Microsoft’s new OS and the company’s Surface tablet added to the mix of Apple and Android devices already out there.

Mobile App Development

However, before you jump in, there are three key factors in mobile app development that you need to understand.

Which Platform?

One of the first considerations you’ll need to make is which platform you want to target with your app. There are pros and cons to all of them. For instance, Apple is the best known, but the Android markets are growing very rapidly (and will outstrip Apple soon). Of course, you shouldn’t discount Microsoft out of hand, either, particularly if your app is geared for business users.

However, perhaps the best option would be to work with a professional mobile app development company capable of creating the same app for all platforms, as this will ensure availability everywhere and the best chance of profitability.

User Experience

A considerable amount of effort needs to go into mobile app development in terms of end user experience. Any number of problems can turn your app from a potential hit into a disaster, and it’s vital that you avoid these pitfalls. For instance, an unstable app will leave a bad taste in your users’ mouths, and they won’t be shy about voicing their discontent through negative reviews. Major pitfalls include:

  • Apps that “lose” information (user name, login info, etc.)
  • Apps that crash repeatedly
  • Apps that don’t flow smoothly from on page/function to the next

Usability is also a paramount consideration, as is overall design. If you’ll be integrating ads into your app to enhance profitability, you also need to think very carefully about how they’re implemented and how they affect use.

Marketing Plan

On top of cutting edge design and coding, you need to hedge your bet a bit with the right marketing plan. Mobile app development and marketing done correctly will result in considerable buzz around your app, as well as a fully functional app that offers users the experience they want and the stability that they deserve. Your marketing plan should go into effect before your app is launched and continue after the initial debut.

Choosing a Company for Mobile App Development

Most people don’t have the technical skills necessary to build their own apps, so partnering with a company becomes a major concern. Make sure that the company you’re working with has several years of experience, and offers a team of certified, trained experts to ensure quality.

Ideally, you’ll find a company that’s capable of providing all-in-one service from brainstorming to final app tweaking, as well as marketing assistance and more. However, not all app development firms are the same, so it’s essential that you compare your options.

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