Become a Life Saver : Join Tata DOCOMO’s Bloodline Club

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After the widespread success of its Bloodline Club VAS service, Tata DOCOMO has decided to take this service to the next level. The Bloodline Club which was only restricted to Tata DOCOMO customers will now be available for everyone and by everyone we mean to every single person in the world! That’s right, Tata DOCOMO has decided to make the Bloodline Club a global phenomena.

The idea of people coming together to save lives regardless of religion, nationality or geographical location is the best part about the Bloodline Club. With over 6 million and 44 thousand fans on Facebook and Twitter respectively, Tata DOCOMO will kick start the Bloodline registrations by reaching out to a large base via the social media route. Tata DOCOMO has always believed in ‘Doing the New’ and this time they are bringing all their fans and citizens of the world together to DO something BIG for society.

What’s this Bloodline Club?

You may be wondering what on earth is the ‘Bloodline Club’? We got the answer to your question guys! The Bloodline Club is an online social drive supported by the people, for the people, to help registered members find blood donors according to their specific locality. What makes it super cool is the manner and precision of its mode of contact. So whenever a registered member is in need of blood, the system specifically searches for donors near his/her location and informs them either using a Facebook update, a tweet, a text message or a combination of all three.

So how do you go about it?

Wondering how you become a member? Here is how! First the person needs to visit its website ( & sign up using his/her Facebook or Twitter account or his mobile number. Next he/she needs to fill in his name, email ID, blood group and area pin code. Lastly it will also ask him/her how they want to be contacted for donor requests, be it through Facebook updates, Tweets, via SMS or all 3.

What happens after registration?

After registration, whenever a person is in need of urgent blood, all he/she has to do is either contact Tata DOCOMO on Facebook, tweet to them on Twitter or send an SMS. On the basis of his pin code, Tata DOCOMO will automatically forward his request to all registered blood donors near him as well as inform the concerned person about Bloodline Club members in his location.

The ‘GOOD’ part!

The first good part is that the Bloodline Club is not just for Tata DOCOMO users. So it doesn’t matter who your service provider is, if you want to save lives join in! The second good part is that this service is open to citizens of the world and not just restricted to India. We bet you’re wondering if you got to pay for this! Guess what, this service is for FREE! So if you want to be part of Bloodline Club get yourself registered and start saving lives! Visit Bloodline Club and get started!


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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