3D : The Third Dimension

2010 was the year that 3D made a comeback. Many people will be surprised to think of it as a comeback for 3D, but in reality the idea of television or films in a third dimension is nothing new. For over fifty years people have used various techniques to try to create 3D effects, most notably in the famous original ‘House of Wax‘ back in 1953.

Early 3D did not work particularly well, it relied on relatively cheap disposal glasses and on duel polaroid film. Still, it was enough of a success that the 50s is considered something of a golden era when it comes to 3D films. Fast forward forty years and we find 3D TV in the early nineties. These used a number of different methods, but not with enough success for the trend to really catch on. Although experiments have continued ever since.

Now, however, 3D is everywhere. Not only is it in our cinemas (think of the astonishing success of Avatar) but it’s also making the transition into our homes in the form of Sky 3D TV channel, and a range of 3D televisions.

So far, one of the main hang ups for people when it comes to investing in a 3D television (except that they may just have invested in the latest trend, an HD television) is that the idea of sitting in your own living room with a pair of 3D glasses on is not a particularly appealing one. Additionally, 3D has been known to put stress on the eyes and can lead to splitting headaches for people with certain visual impairments.

In response to this almost all the major television manufacturers have been making strides in regards to glasses-free 3D TV. The technology behind these televisions is absolutely mind blowing and quite expensive, but 2011 looks to be the year when they finally come through and hit the mainstream.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether 3D will really go stratospheric and take over the way we live. Part of the battle will be convincing people that it really makes that much of a difference to the programs they watch, and this is a double edged sword requiring producers, directors and television companies to all push the boat out at the same time. Eventually, though, one suspects 3D will break through, it just needs an ‘Avatar’ to do for TV what James Cameron’s blockbuster did for 3D film.

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