With around 600,000 iPads sold already, more people are realizing that it just might be worth the investment. College students especially will find that the iPad is more than just a clever gadget – it really is a helpful tool that will make you a more effective studier. It’s like having a bookstore, laptop, planner, and television in your hands at all times. These iPad applications can help students finish their work faster so they can enjoy everything that college has to offer. Where you’re thinking about getting an iPad or you already have one and are thinking about loading it with quality apps, here are 10 fantastic iPad apps perfect for college students.
- iStudiezPro:This is a great organizer to help you keep everything straight on a daily, monthly, and semester-long basis. The app features color coding and subject headings to keep your classes straight, as well as a due date planner and optional e-mail notification to remind you when upcoming projects are due.
- WritePad: This notepad tool lets you handwrite your own notes while the personalizable handwriting recognition software converts it into text. It even allows you to select text to cut, copy, and paste it for use in other programs.
- Pages: With Pages, you can use templates and advanced layouts, or just stick to basic word processing. With the ability export to Microsoft Word and PDF, you don’t have to worry about compatibility with other programs or printers.
- iSource APA/iSource MLA: Don’t waste time on the bibliography – just plug in your citation information and the app gives you your Works Cited instantly. These are actually two different programs that provide either APA or MLA source formatting.
- Numbers: This is the Apple version of Excel spreadsheets, especially useful for business and economics students. Files are compatible to export to Numbers ’09 for Mac, Microsoft Excel, and PDFs.
- Print Magic HD: Having all of the writing and spreadsheet applications at your fingertips is nice, but there will certainly come a time when you will need to print and turn in those assignments. Print Magic HD allows you to print directly from the iPad.
- iBooks: There’s no need to carry a stack of textbooks around campus in a backpack. Download books quickly and read them on the high resolution iPad screen. Apple is still working to get more academic textbooks available for download, but it’s certainly a great option for English majors and anyone else that will need to read classic texts.
- Flash My Brain: This application creates flashcards for you without wasting hundreds of index cards. You can download notes from other people and organize by color and category. You can store the cards online and even include pictures taken from your iPhone.
- Netflix: At a certain point you have to relax, and apps like Netflix make even entertainment easier. The entire Netflix library is available, and the app is free as long as your have a subscription to Netflix. There are also rumors that a Hulu app may be coming.
- 10. IM+: Effortless procrastination! This app is an all-in-one outlet for Twitter, FaceBook, Google Talk, Skype, Yahoo, AIM, and MySpace, among others. Plan your weekend, find the parties, and maybe even arrange a study session once in a while.
Hi Vishal,
Your list is trully fantastic, thank you!
Please have a look at mine:
Thanks Angelina for your list 🙂