How To Develop Food Delivery App Like Swiggy

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What is a food delivery app and how does it work? A food delivery app is a specialized app to take orders and deliver food to customers. These apps take orders from the customers of the restaurants of a particular area. There are limited options for the restaurants. After taking the food orders the workers of the food app arrive at the restaurant and deliver the food to the customer’s house within a limited time.

Food Delivery App

Nowadays, the food business is growing rapidly all over the world. So people are starting to open a restaurant. But, as we all know, a business can not grow and spread without advertisement. For advertisement, digital advertisement is far better and advantageous than a traditional advertisement.

So, the new small restaurant owners are registering their business into the food delivery apps to grow and increase their popularity. With the help of the food delivery apps, the customers will know about their business. Consequently, the demand for food delivery apps is growing. If you are thinking about doing something different and you are interested in app development, you should definitely develop a food delivery app.

The features you have to include in your food delivery app: There are three types of features that you must include in the app, they are: features for the customers, features for the restaurant owners, and features for the delivery man.

Features for the customers

  1. Easy process of registration: When you are developing an app, you should always remember that the app is easy to use. This is the first and most important criteria to develop an app. Allow the customers to register easily with basic requirements such as phone number, email ID, etc.
  2. Management of customer profile: Make sure that your customers can manage their profile by putting the details such as name, address, phone number, etc.
  3. Search by customer’s location: You should include a feature in your app that will allow the customers to search by their current location and their desired area. This feature will help them to know about the restaurants near them before placing an order.
  4. Enlist the restaurants according to reliability and rating: When a customer wants to place an order, they should find the restaurants according to the rating and cuisine. It will help them to decide quickly and easily. Also, make sure that when a customer wants the information about a restaurant, they should be redirected to the website of the restaurant.
  5. Place an order: While a customer wants to place an order, make sure that they do not have any trouble and they can do it easily.
  6. Coupon and delivery option: While paying, a customer should get the coupon or the offer given by the restaurant. Also, make your app secure to pay. Give the option to pay on delivery.
  7. Delivery man location: Do not forget to add the feature of locating the delivery man.
  8. Notifications: Keep the customers updated by pushing notifications about the order, such as order is placed, prepared, boxed up, ready to deliver, and on your doorstep.

Features for restaurant owners

    1. Immediate notifications: Include the feature to notify the restaurant owners immediately after a customer places an order.
    2. Managing the list of orders: The restaurant owner should check the order list and manage them. The list must include a new order list where the new orders will be shown, an accepted list where the owner can see the list of orders they have accepted, and the delivered order list where the restaurant owner can monitor the orders that have been delivered.
    3. Approval of orders: The restaurant owner should have an option to accept or reject an order placed by a customer.
    4. Management of profile: The restaurant owner should manage the profile of the restaurant such as changing the menu, address, or password.
  • Booking history: The restaurant owners should check the history of orders so that they can monitor their profit.

Features for the delivery man

  1. Easy registration: The registration process should be easy and done by entering a phone number and email address.
  2. Approval of orders: The delivery man should have an option to accept or reject any order.
  3. Providing the shortest route: The app should pick up a nearby delivery man and provide them the easiest and shortest way to the customer’s house.
  4. Managing the booking status: The delivery man can update the booking status to the customers such as the order is ready to deliver, on the way, delivered.

These are the most important features that a food delivery app should contain.


Merry Waran

Article by Hermit

Hermit Chawla is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs Pvt Ltd. which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by top responsive web design services. He loves to share his thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.

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