Want to Be a Pro-level YouTube Editor? Follow these 5 simple tips to become one

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No matter which YouTube video editing software you use, there are some points you must always keep in mind to produce video content that qualifies you as a pro-level YouTube editor. Please note, you don’t necessarily need to invest thousands of dollars into expensive equipment to strike the right balance between content and quality, especially if you are just blogging.

Youtube Editor

Rather what you need is a solid understanding of the video recording and editing fundamentals, to deliver just the right kind of visually appealing experience to your viewers. Let’s go over 5 simple tips that can quickly help you in this regard.

Organisation and trimming of video/s in clips

Although it’s very easy to sit down and shoot an entire video in one go, it can often make the editing process very difficult, and sometimes even spoil the entire video, especially if the person being recorded slips up or is interrupted during his/her speech. On the other hand, it is very easy to edit and merge smaller video clips into a single and solid well formatted video.

The beginnings and endings can be trimmed easily, providing you with ample room to readjust and move around things, and make any changes to the script if you want. You can even change the workspace, without the need of restarting from the top.

Exporting to YouTube

A good video editing software will normally be far more advanced compared to the editor provided by YouTube. It’ll help you do just the right kind of trimming and merging (as discussed above), apart from smooth transitions, effects and overlays. YouTube allows you to upload any file that doesn’t exceed 20 GB in size. The acceptable formats are: FLV, MPEG 4 (or .mp4), WMV, MPEGPS, AVI, 3GPP and MOV.

You’re free to edit your videos to any extent in any good video editing software and then export it to YouTube for publishing. Although exporting and upload may take some time, it would make a world of difference to the end quality of your video, and will definitely be worth the extra effort.

Shot variations

It’s always better to experiment with different angles, rather than keeping the camera stationary throughout the shoot. Although this may not be possible in every case, you should remember that it goes a long way in keeping people engaged, making it easier for them to sit through the video and most importantly, come back again for more.

Unless you’ve got something really amazing to say to your viewers, good enough to keep them hooked, people may get bored watching you sit and talk straight into the camera for even 10 minutes. Some of the shot angles you could try are: eye level, low, high, birds eye, canted and worms eye.

Strategic use of transitions and effects

You can make a huge difference to the quality of your multiple-parts video by making strategic use of transitions and effects. Regardless of whether your video was shot at multiple locations, or you need to transition between different topics, incorporating a transitory effect depicts thought and professionalism.

Majority of good video editing software come equipped with such transitions, which can be instantly applied to the video.


Last but not the least, YouTube’s annotation feature enables you to link out to different websites, social media pages and/or other videos (on YouTube) without disrupting the playback. You’re free to decide the captioning and duration of these annotations. This can provide your viewers with a quick and easy method to learn more about you.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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