Blogging vs Freelance Essay Writing

The saying goes like “A blogger can be a freelance writer, but a freelance writer cannot be a blogger”. This statement can be false for some, but is true for the majority. While Freelance writing is one of the most popular and easiest ways to earn some quick money online, blogging requires much more than just writing skills.


If you have good writing skills, you can easily join a freelance writing website, get a job or project, and earn the money by doing it. However, it is not so simple with blogging.


Despite these, there are various things in common in both the professions. These are as follows:

  • You can work from virtually anywhere.
  • Can both be a full-time or part-time job.
  • You are your own boss.

Following this, there are also great differences between these two professions in terms of branding, revenue and much more. Today, a number of freelance writers wish to start blogging; however, most are now familiar with the various differences. In the following context, we will be talking about these differences.

Short-Term or Long-Term Money

A major difference between blogging and freelance writing is the type of pay you get. In freelance writing, you take order for a particular essay/article/blog post, and when you finish it, you will get paid from your client. Blogging, on the other hand, needs to be constantly updated with new content, and the money may come from various sources. At starting, it will be small amounts, which will convert to bigger ones once you become known and your network grows. This process will take time, and it will definitely take some time for you to see that money.

Freelance writing may pay you immediate money, but doing blogging in a long-term will ensure you a higher income.

Different approach to writing

A freelance writer writes on various topics, by researching information about that particular topic and then writing that information in their own words. Even if a freelance writer does not have any prior knowledge of that topic, freelance writers are able to write about almost anything, according to their client’s needs.

On the other hand, blogging requires you to be focused in a particular field. Unlike freelance writing, the writer is not anonymous in blogging. Your blog posts will have your face and name written down. You write your own posts, and offer reviews, guidance, opinions and advice on your own behalf. Over a period of time, you continue to write about particular subjects and related topics.

This is pretty similar to being a freelance writer of a specific niche. A writer can be an expert in a specific niche, like finance niche, or tech niche. These writers are highly wanted by clients who wish to get their content written by an expert. By having expertise in a specific niche, freelance writer can expect to earn more money than a normal freelance writer.

Advantages over Blogging

A major advantage of freelance writing over blogging is that it is a much simpler process than blogging. When you run a blog of your own, you tend to treat to a number of vital factors, including:

  • Content Planning
  • Promotion of your blog
  • Updating your blog regularly
  • Check to the audience
  • SEO Planning & Implementation

Freelance writers go through a simpler process as they just have to accept the writing job, finish it, and get paid for it. They do not have to deal with other variables, like management issues of blogging.

Disadvantages of Freelancing

One of the biggest disadvantages of freelance writing is that most of the times, your article will not get published under your own name. This sort of writing is known as ghost writing. Your client will mostly publish an article written by you under his own name, or under his pen name. Due to this, a freelance writer misses on the opportunity to brand himself/herself, and removes a great amount of potential long-term advantages.

Here are few more word on freelancing.

  • A freelance writer’s expertise allows him to write on almost any topic.
  • Freelance writers never need inspiration, as they are provided a deadline and a subject.
  • Freelance writing may become boring in a long run, as you have to write on the same topics again and again.

Otherwise, if you need professional writing help you can visit essay writing service with freelance writers –  where you can hire certified experts online.

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