Significance of Correct Anchor Text Distribution for 2014

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It is very impossible to think internet without search engines and is equally unimaginable to realize this place without Google because it is the king of search engines. Ranking and the organic web traffic are the two most popular factors when it comes to online branding which plays a great role for marketing success of any business.

Google, with its algorithmic updates like Panda, Hummingbird and Penguin attract huge SEO experts in interpreting and analyzing the websites whether it relies on the guidelines and making using of organic practices in order to increase their website’s traffic and ranking.

One of the most crucial updates made to the Google Penguin is the distribution of anchor text in the content.

This mainly targets the links that are over optimization and those that look unnatural and being driven solely for the sake of keyword rich anchor text.

Anchor Text

Following are few issues that are being faced due to the anchor text flavors:

Exact Match Anchor Text

These are the anchor texts that you normally focus to make it rank on the search engine’s result page.

Previously this exact match carried a lot of weight in Google’s SERP ranking, but however, due to the new updates, Google punishes the websites that has large number exact match anchor text links.

So what is the correct way? Very Simple! Just lower the percentage of links that are obtained through exact match anchor text. It must be only around 30% or less and is advised to have even distribution of keywords.

For example, SEO service is the main keyword that is being targeted directly with exact match anchor text.

Partial Match Anchor Text

Here, the idea is to keep your percentage as low and safe as possible. But, be sure to get good backlinks that looks natural and relevant. Partial in the sense, at least one keyword in the phrase will match the URL. But be alert and don’t make it overly targeted.

Long tail keywords are perfectly suitable for partial match anchor texts and this signify your keyword in placed somewhere in the phrase and is not exactly targeted.

In this case, web design training is the main keyword and the rest is the non-essential keywords that are being used for partial match.

Branded Match

The brand referrals in the website or web page content will also be typically rewarded with search engine ranking. This means building content with in-bound links that contain the brand name and the anchor text. It has a vast influence on search engine algorithms and ranking.

As you know, this branded match is quite commonly used by bloggers for linking their website or brand page using their brand name anchor text.

For example, Tricks Machine, is the brand name and it can be focused directly to create brand popularity.

Keyword Branded Match

This contains both the keyword as well as the brand name. It is very essential for any company to have a strong online presence. And, from SEO point of view, getting strong brand visibility and referrals can make lots of benefits to increase the SERP ranking. Hence, a keyword that is targeted with the brand match can help in getting huge signals and improving the industry’s presence and relationship with the customers.

For example, Tricks Machine Latest Tech Updates, in this Tricks Machine is the brand name and Latest Tech Updates in the keyword.

Naked Anchor Text

The main job of anchor text is to send out strong signals to search engines like Google to increase its visibility. This simply means the anchor text will not contain any keyword or words, i.e., it just carries only the URL directly targeting the web page.

Search engine will consider these kinds of naked anchor texts as the most natural one and this is the reason why many readers typically click such plain links to look for product or services to fetch further information regarding the same.

It is natural that people absolutely use URL links and feel it trustworthy. This naked anchor text can be used in different formats like without or without http and www in front of the domain name.

Anchor text 2

Zero Match or Non-Descriptive

It is a method of using irrelevant words in the place of anchor text to make it clickable. Though it is not commonly used, it is still treated as a good SEO practice. These non-descriptive anchor texts can be linked to the home page of a website.

It’s considered a natural way of linking the text and some of the most common used terms are click here, visit website, click to view, read more, etc.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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