SEO Tips to Boost Traffic, Engagement and Sales

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The explosion of websites like YouTube, Facebook, twitter and WordPress can play a vital role in the content marketing and very easy way to get the targeted resources. Creating the high quality content and engagement of your company brands can be shared around the world within the minutes because they don’t take the time to reach the targeted resources.


The main factor is social media revolution because it changed the way of approach and develops the marketing content. Here, some of the numbers can support the revolution such as billions of people are watched daily on the YouTube videos, millions of people can read the blog post and more members of people can participate in the twitter interaction and more that billion of customers on Facebook.

Social media trends

These set of application are very essential thing for content marketing and very important part to develop the company resources through these set of media. But, shift towards the content marketing can also be credited to the Google search engine. Because of the Panda update, the Google can launch the panda updates that will be penalized the websites based on the factors such as low quality and copy content.

Based on the Google search engine trends, you should use the content marketing and follow the proper way of communication media to your customers. In each year, Google will be launched the updates in April 2011 launch the Penguin algorithm that will be penalized the company websites based on the two factors such as low quality links and over optimization of website through the fake process.

These aspects of updates will be changed the SEO industry and techniques that will involve for automating content and links in order to get the website ranking position in the Google search engine. The website ranking is very important factors then only you can get more customers as well as improve the website visibility.

These techniques are no longer support for SEO, but now the links will needs to be acquired naturally through the websites and social sharing of your content, then only your content will be shared on the web if it is the high quality content means your website ranking position will go high position in the search engine result page.


In 2013 business-to-business content marketing depends on the three factors such as benchmarks, budget and trends based on these things you can easily know your company details and how long your business website will be in high position on the search engine.

Before, that you should know the content marketing depends on the following aspects such as marketing strategy, social media, how to generate the lead, plan to increasing the content marketing and budget for the content marketing you will spend for that. These things are very essential before to start the content marketing and you should learn the basic things for the marketing strategy based on your business requirements.

The twenty ideas of content marketing that covers all aspects especially for the range of media for you promote your company brands with the support of basic resources such as video, white papers, blog post, survey and more.


The initial level of content marketing as interview the industry leaders because they provide the great source of content that will engage to your targeted customers and displaying your content in the form of blog posts that will generating the high quality of your website content, link worthy content and increase the leader’s ability will exposure based on your requirements.

Conduct a survey, improve your online communication and make a better platforms based on that should gather the important date to show your marketing channel how will be increased the spending of your resources in the social media. Report news in your industry through the blog post or webinar you attend and create the summary of the essential points after that, you will follow that based on your competitive websites.


The main factors have shared your presentation to various media such as sildeshare because this is the best resource for sharing the valuable content to the targeted audience and easily you can get the valuable resources. Some other factors are built the knowledge, host a webinar, share and report the white papers on pinterest, create an infographic, publish ebooks, launch the beginners and make your content available in audio format.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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