How does SEO Affect the Success of Your Online Business?

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SEO (search engine optimization) isn’t a new term for those, who have been emphasizing their presence across the online platforms. But, for those, who still haven’t moved on to build a website for their business, wouldn’t really have an idea of what wonders can a website do to their businesses. So, here is a synopsis of how beneficial is SEO for success of a business across the web.


Over the last couple of years, the usage of internet has grown multifold. As per the data compiled by internet live stats in 2014, there exist 243, 198, 922 internet users in India.

A comparative analysis found that almost 14% growth reflected in this figure as compared to the data compiled in the year 2013. This puts across a clear picture of the internet usage in India.

This directly defines the scope of promoting a business online as there lies a whole space of potential customers. Thus, it calls for the optimum utilization of the ways that can help promoting a business online and one such way is SEO.

Search engine marketing is an investment that pays off every business quite well. It makes a business reach out to its target audiences.

The target audience is moving online

As detailed above, the internet users in India and abroad are increasing every year. With this, ours is the third largest user base. India has been adding almost 6 million users to its user base monthly, which defines the potential of the online market.

Besides, as per records, there are 35 online shoppers in the country and this figure is expected to cross the mark of 100 million by the time 2016 ends. All these figures define the potential of the online space and SEO is a process that makes a business reach out to its target audience.

Internet Userbase in India

Searches on Google are growing too

With the increasing user base on the web, the searches on Google are growing too. Google processes trillions of searches every year. The percentage of searches on Google too is seen growing. So, why not put your SEO techniques in place and get among the search results on the search engines.

Organic search accounts for 94% of the overall searches

SEO is the process that helps increasing the online customer base organically. Organic search brings out the best suitable results as per the search query. Besides this organic process, there lies a world of paid marketing, which is also called PPC (pay per click), wherein the company puts in money to get clicks.

However, SEO is the process that helps your website rank organically and not by any paid means. As per the studies, 94% of the overall searches are organic, which ultimately proves the significance of SEO for any business.


SEO markets your business

SEO isn’t all about the technical methodologies that help the websites maintain their ranks among the top results on the search engines. It ultimately takes your product and brand directly to the target audience available on the web. Thus, marketing of your business across the online platforms is another solution that SEO brings for you.

Gets you among the top local searches

One of the major elements of SEO is to increase the website’s visibility among the local searches. The SEO or digital marketing experts always keeps an eye of the website’s rank among the local search results. This helps adding to the company’s customer base and revenue as well.


Now when you all the benefits that SEO brings for your online success, ensure to build a search friendly website for your business. Besides, to adapt to the right SEO techniques, get in touch with a SEO company that can assure to get your website to the right track.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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