How to Place Banners in the Era of Google Panda

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Web sites are paid for by advertising or banner ads you see on it: advertising is the fuel that makes the web go forward, and without the revenue generated from this, the most frequent sites and blogs that normally would not exist.


The banners are therefore a good thing, but be careful not to overdo it: Matt Cutts, in his speech last PubCon, has said quite clearly that Google may penalize pages with too many advertisements.

The positions of the first banner Panda

Until a few months ago, these were the classic banner positions of many websites:

With the arrival of Google Panda, Sites like the one above have been hit very hard. And yet with quality content sites have been penalized, if included excessive banner above the fold. I do not know if the site above has actually been penalized by Panda, but if it were a simple change of the layout could help significantly.

1. Advertisements as a factor in ranking

The Ranking Factors in 2011 showed a negative correlation between the placement and amount of AdSense ads on a page. Subsequently, the Panda has been updated several times and probably now the correlation is more negative than a few months ago.

Although AdSense is not the only player in that market, from which the EES is to draw more information. Matt Cutts himself has admitted that his team talks to the AdSense team to help webmasters to conform to Google’s guidelines.

In April, after the Panda AdSense has changed its ad placement on best practices.

2. Layout suitable for Panda

The new layout recommended by Google does not suggest position content below the fold.

The layout on the left are the “good” according to Google, where some content is placed above the fold; One on the right hand is not recommended since all content is at the bottom and top are almost exclusively advertisements.

3. Try to balance your Template footprint

Banner ads are one of the components of your website. The Template footprint consists of all non-unique content that appears on your page, as opposed to content that make it unique.

Try to maintain the highest possible ratio of unique content and Template footprint. If you cannot reduce it, at least make sure you put the content higher up in the most visible as possible.

4. Use a banner placement also valid for the future

The new guidelines given by AdSense in his guide are good for the panda, but they will be able to avoid creating problems in the future?

The New York Times has done a good job of balancing between banner ads and content. The positioning of advertisements is not done to annoy users, and puts them at risk in the event of any future algorithmic changes.

A banner too aggressive positioning tends to Keep away readers, and therefore may influence the Bounce Rate, Time on site and pages viewed. All these parameters can have unpleasant consequences in the long term, especially for publishers who want to work in the long run.

5. Besides the CTR

It ‘true, the idea of ​​getting more clicks on the banner pushes webmasters to them mainly above the fold, But this is not the only way to increase earnings. If you are an AdSense publisher, you should know concepts such as:

  • Coverage
  • Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
  • Cost Per Impression (CPI or CPM)
  • Impression

All these elements can be optimized to increase revenues. The last point, the impressions, is the most viable in terms of SEO, if you produce great content and promote them in the right way, you can do a lot of pages and then a lot of revenue. In the U.S., the only Super Bowl will always make more money with the advertising of all replicas of Murder, She Wrote.

If you sell advertising space, seeks to be the Super bowl content. Produce the best content possible and imaginable, and you can get from advertising the highest figure.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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