5 Tips of Using Twitter Hashtag for Your Small Business

Tips of Using Twitter Hashtag for Your Small Business. Small businesses are not confined to the traditional marketing strategies in this high tech world. Nowadays, social media and social networking have a great impact on small business groups. There is no business professional who doesn’t have an account in the social networking sites dedicated to his small business. Whether it is in Facebook or in Twitter, you will find a number of accounts of small businesses since they are the only platform from where you get instant response to your business plans.

Twitter Hashtag

Assume that you have already created one Twitter account for your business. This does not end your task; you should invest in hashtags as a component of social media planning. Now, the question is what is a hashtag?

A Brief Idea about Twitter Hashtag

Twitter Hashtag is designated by one hash (#) sign and have a phrase or word for performing various functions. Hashtags are attached to the tweets to act as marketing tactics, categorizing tool and search mechanism. In business also, you have the option to attach one hashtag with your brand name. You may think how will it help? Attaching the hashtags ensures that other users will readily locate your tweet amongst the Twitter searches.

Attach one unique hashtag with your tweets and begin a new marketing campaign in Twitter! Now there are some basic principles of attaching hashtags applicable to small business. Take a quick glimpse at the following tips to have an improved brand hashtag strategy. Consider reading Tweet your music with Twusic.

1. Go for Business-Specific Conversations

Use the Twitter hashtag of your company for resources, latest news and advice on variety of small businesses. Stay tune with the hashtags and keep updated! A couple of visits can influence your marketing tactic or blog post. Are you willing to narrow down the conversation further? Then, narrow down the hashtag by topic.

For instance, #sales hashtag or #marketing hashtag will contain contents related to small businesses and #entrepreneurs hashtag will contain the existing business profiles. If you are in search for tips by meeting business personnel having the same thought, then try for #networking hashtag.

2. Keep the Hashtag Consistent and Simple

When crafting a hashtag for your tweet, you must keep some thumb rules in mind. Firstly, your tag should be direct and simple. Suppose you wish to use a hashtag with your recent blog post explaining your company’s financial apps, don’t go for a complex and long hashtag. Your hashtags should be like #SmallBiz or #apps. Complicated hashtags are neither commonly used nor are search-friendly.

Secondly, don’t use too much of hashtags with the tweets. You can use one or two thoughtful and precise hashtags with every tweet.

3. Organizing Social Dashboards with Twitter Hashtag

Create a social dashboard and designate columns that are easily accessible. This is one very efficient way to stay atop of the entire relevant hashtag listing. You are free to add columns according to your marketing campaign and then delete it as and when it runs out of course.

4. Make a Hashtag of Your Own

Hashtags generate buzz across the market and so every brands choose to make its own hashtags. Contests in Twitter are a magnificent marketing tactic for any brand. All you have to do is ask the users to tweet by giving particular hashtags together with photos, jokes and submits. With the completion of the entry, you can find all the submissions in a single place.

Events – another wonderful opportunity to create conversation based on a hashtag. Before launching of an event, create a unique hashtag for that. You will find discussions and contents have already generated surrounding that event. Then at the actual time of event, ask the users to tweet with the particular hashtag. Consider reading HashtagBattle : Compare The Popularity of Two Hashtags on Twitter.

5. Use Follow Friday

Follow Friday, now known as #FF, is a common and popular trend in the small business market. It is a superb opportunity for small businesses to display its name by joining the conversation. There are many ways of crafting this #FF. You can make a listing of people whom you wish to follow your hashtag. It is better to make such a list on the basis of a theme so that you can limit the people you want to be followed.

There is a personal approach as well where users like to support only 1 or 2 people for each #FF. You also can make a tweet for a particular person, in case you like to specifically communicate or converse with that individual.

So, use Twitter Hashtag or hashtags and share advice about your small business with people across the web world.

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