Most people think that hitting “Publish” is the end of the content marketing flow. However, if you don’t promote ever blog post, you will gain only minimum benefit from all of the time, effort and research spent writing your blog posts. Instead, after hitting “Publish” you should allocate time to promoting each end every blog post that you write. Below is a list of ideas that you can use to promote your posts:
Social Media
Social media is probably the most important factor when it comes to getting potential readers to learn about your blog. Use every social media resource that you possibly can as long as it’s applicable to that network. Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest are essential places to let people know about your blog posts. Updating social media websites can be time consuming, so try to automate the process if your blogging platform allows you to do that.
Read and Comment on Other Blogs
Commenting on other blogs that are similar or related to your own is an excellent way to get readers to see your blog and get the support of other bloggers. Read blogs that you like and you think your readers would also like and make thoughtful comments.
Don’t just leave a link to your blog or use a cookie-cutter sentence or two. Take the time to get the attention of other readers that are also commenting on the blog as well as the author. Try to comment regularly on blogs that are similar to your own and get a lot of regular traffic.
Tip: Search for blogs that use Disqus, CommentLuv or LiveFyre, as those are communities that will help encourage readers to follow your comment back to your blog. CommentLuv posts your latest blog post on every comment, making it even easier. Here is a List of 132 Comment Luv Blogs by Niche.
Reach Out to Other Bloggers
Reading and commenting on other blogs is an excellent first step, but your work isn’t done there. If you regularly read a blog and feel like you might a have a rapport with a particular blogger, go ahead and reach out to them in an e-mail, especially if they a large reader base.
Bloggers often work together to help drive traffic to each other’s sites in the same niche. You don’t have to work with only bloggers that talk about the same subject as you, but when you first start out, it can make teaming up a lot easier. Read about Must Have WordPress Plugins for your blog.
Don’t Forget the Forums
Forums might seem a bit dated in today’s fast-paced technological world, but forums allow you to reach a large amount of people in a short period of time. Joining and actively using forums is a great way to drive traffic to your blog, especially if you write on a technical subject or a subject that is only of interest to a very small number of people or professional organization. Join all of the forums you can and make time to check and post on them at least every other day.
Like any business, advertising can help drive traffic to what you’re trying to sell. In this case, that’s your blog, and since it’s free to read, getting people to check it out isn’t all that hard. Don’t spend a ton of money of advertising when you first start out. Instead, find one or two places where you can set a small budget to drive people into each post. StumbleUpon and Reddit have great advertising platforms that are very cost effective.
Syndicate your Content
Create accounts with large sites that accept articles published elsewhere on the web and upload your content. Here are a few sites you can use:
Here are a few niche sites also. If none of these fits your niche, do a little bit of research to find sites that do:
If you spend time on your content and create tutorials, here is a list of sites where you can promote your tutorials:
Don’t just waste all the time and effort spent writing content to your site. Maximize the benefits by taking those few extra steps to gain extra links, exposure, and social networking to every single article you write. The results will amaze you.
Good info.. thanks bro