Preparing for the iPhone 5? Here’s how to Sell iPhone 4S back to Apple

Apple, no doubt is preparing all its followers, users, lovers and may be you to be ready for the launch of iPhone 5. No doubt, its price will be very high. But, everyone wants the thing that’s hard to get. Isn’t it? Not only this, but now you can sell your iPhone 4s back to apple. And get $345 for your old phone.

Looking at it doesn’t looks bad. But, i just want to clarify you that you won’t be paid in cash. But, Apple will give you a Voucher Card. That Voucher Card helps you any Apple product subtracted the value of the card.


The whole process that we will very briefly discuss is due to the Apple Reuse and Resell program. It is quite fascinating, not only does it provide you a chance to return your apple product. But, also you can return your windows PC to them! Not bad, right?

This, all is the effect of everyone trying  to prepare for the iPhone 5 as Preparation for Apple’s iPhone event is underway. Using Apple’s Recycling program, you are able to select the model, color and condition of your iPhone 4S from the online wizard, which will then output a price that it believes your device is worth.  Now, here’s a quick tutorial to how to sell that iPhone 4s back to Apple.

How to sell your iPhone back to apple?

The trick is quite simple. And has pretty much uses of its own. For example, you can sell your old desktop, iPad, iPhone to apple. That looks quite easy.

1. Go to Apple reuse and recycle program. You will see there a menu like this.

2. In the category option, you will choose iPhone. This is where you will select iPad, Desktop or anything you want to sell.

3. In the manufacturer, the option will be automated and will be selected to be Apple. As Apple already knows what they sell.

4. You will have to choose whether your phone series is. For example, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4, 3GS, or 3. They do not accept iPhones lower than that price.

5. Now, just select the model of the  phone, which may be 16GB, 32GB or 64GB model. Please select only the options that are true. Otherwise, they won’t send the voucher.

6. Just click continue when you are done. And you will be taken to a page like this.

7. Now, the essential part is to select the proper options about your phone. Sometimes, people fill this wrong and this results in voucher failure. After all, you have to buy from them at the end.

8. If the iPhone hangs in between use. Or doesn’t work when more than two apps are opened. You might select the first option to be No.

9. If there are some battery issues, like your iPhone doesn’t charge or doesn’t run proper battery. Its better to stick to no. Or if it doesn’t have these problems. Just look back and pin yes.

10. If the iPhone is scuffed, have some wear and tear, had water damage. Its better to avoid saying yes. Otherwise, we’re cool.

11. After you click continue option, after selecting, i have removed all content and settings, supplied power cord. You will  taken to the screen with the option like this.

12. The Apple website will take you to a page which asks you, your complete personal information.

13. You just have to fill all the options so that they can contact you for your iPhone.

This works pretty easily in case you are in U.S. , also in India, you will be contacted by an Apple reseller. Also, there are many countries where this works successfully. Here are the terms and conditions for using the voucher card. It will help you get discount on your next purchase.

What i am sure is, that most of you people would look for the money to be returned. But, what can  i say. Its how things go thus far. Most of you can still upgrade for iPhone 5 for a much lesser bid.

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