Instagram For Android updated to the version 1.0.4 now and with this updates you can now move this application to your SD Card. As developers from the Instagram updated Instagram and adds support for the android Tablets and SD Card. This new updates from Instagram offers three interesting news and some bug fixes.
Instagram can now be installed on the micro SD card. This new feature is really useful for owners of Android smartphones like the Nexus One with a lower storage capacity. And If you are a owner of Android tablet, you can finally install Instagram on your device directly from Google play store.
Finally, In the latest version 1.0.4 of Instagram done major bug fixes for tablet users. And also added better support for Nvidia Tegra 3 handsets and tablets. Developer have added increased device support for Instagram built-in camera and filters, including the HTC One X. As they have already fixed the bug of an audio mute bug during capture in last update 1.0.3.
It would not be surprising that the number of users of this application passes rapidly from 30 to 60 million. And as I have posted yesterday that Facebook buys Instagram for $1 Billion.
Do you use Instagram from your Android smartphone? What do you think about Instagram For Android app. If you haven’t downloaded this app yet then you can download it from the following link.
Download Instagram For Android