Facebook For iPad Is Finally Available for Download

After months of rumors and false news, Facebook has finally unveiled an application Facebook for iPad. In fact, Facebook now offers a Universal application, compatible to the iPhone and iPad. At first glance, most of the features of Facebook are accessible.

IPad version of Facebook is really accomplished. Navigation is very intuitive. In fact, it looks a lot like the Web interface of Facebook. Few seconds to understand how it works. The interface is divided into three sections. On the left pane, you can access all the basic functionality of Facebook. The Wall is displayed on the central bar and chat online friends and appear on the right side of the page.

Facebook for iPad Features :

  • Enjoy bigger, better photos.
  • Navigate anywhere, fast.
  • Play games on the go.
  • Focus on what matters: Zoom in on your friends’ photos, updates and stories.
  • Share a photo, update your status or send a message without leaving News Feed.
  • Check out the Nearby map to see what your friends are up to.

This is one of the best application launch for the iPad. You will never leave the Facebook application. When you click on the video link on a wall or status is the integrated browser application that will be displayed. Since this browser, you always have access to some tools of Facebook. For example, it is possible to share the link with your friends and so on.

One of the best thing about the Facebook for iPad is the viewing the photos. If you regularly upload photos to Facebook, the feature and slideshow photo playback alone is worth installing this application.

You can download Facebook for iPad for free on iTunes.

Download Facebook for iPad

  1. Well this is quite obvious that today or tomorrow facebook has to develop something new for the iPads. I don’t know how much that will attract the users. But now I was looking at the facebook’s new timeline profile look. And I am sure that it would look better if they do this timeline for mobile devices not for the PC users.

    1. You are right Delwar… I really like the new interface for the iPad.. I have personally tried on my iPad and I love this updates from facebook.,

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