Teamviewer For Android :Access Remote Computers From Everywhere

Teamviewer For Android is the most popular desktop sharing service and now it’s available in Android Market. With Teamviewer you can remotely control your computer while you are on the road! So you can easily access remote computers from your android device.

You can easily support friends and family when they have computer problems – no matter where you are. You can also benefit from gaining access to your private home computer to edit documents or use particular software while you are on the road.


1. Access to unattended computers (Windows, Mac, Linux) are possible.
2. Complete keyboard control incl. special keys such as Ctrl, Alt, Windows.
3. Meets highest security standards: 256 Bit AES Session Encoding, 1024 Bit RSA Key Exchange
4. Effortlessly access computers behind firewalls and proxy servers
5. Control remote computers using the multi-touch gestures: left click, right click, drag & drop, scroll wheel, zoom.

TeamViewer provides easy, fast and secure remote access to Windows, Mac and Linux systems. TeamViewer is already used on more than 100,000,000 computers worldwide and with the TeamViewer App for Android you are able to have access to your own computer with all of its documents and installed applications.


Get Teamviewer for Android

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