Top 5 Android Apps

Ever since Google first introduced Android, their open-source mobile operating system, the amount of android apps featured in the app market hasn’t stopped increasing. With such a huge selection of applications to choose from, this article is designed to help you identify the top five apps that will have a positive impact upon your life!

5. AppBrain App Market

The AppBrain app market is often disregarded by users of Android handsets as they already have the pre-installed Android app market. But this fantastic application allows users to filter apps by popularity amongst other ways, helping to make users more aware of less documented apps on the standard app market.

4. Angry Birds

The simple yet addictive angry birds games has taken the world by storm and is now considered a global phenomenon. This enjoyable game really is the best game on the android market and is guaranteed to provide hours of fun.

3. Shopper

The Google Shopper application has proved hugely beneficial to me since I first got my Nexus One, saving me money on items by filtering results from low to high. This application is based upon the Google products search feature within their main online engine and is capable of finding products at significantly better prices than by simply searching for them online.

2. Dropbox

Dropbox is a storage application that allows the user to access files that they have uploaded from their PC or Mac on their Smartphone. This application is easy-to-use and has at times really saved me from some awkward situations.
The general interface of this application is also very simple and I haven’t had any errors or force close issues whilst using it.

1. Dolphin HD Mobile Browser

The Dolphin HD mobile browser is a fast, reliable browser application that features an attractive and easy-to-use user-interface and a number of highly desirable features. This popular application also has a number of plug-ins featured on the app market that allow you to customise your browsing experience with themes, enable additional features such as the Google toolbar and also work faster and smoother with Flash.

Having worked with a number of different mobile browsers, I feel that I am in a good position to say that this one if the fastest, most advanced and easiest to use.

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