Top 6 Websites to Learn HTML

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Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the base language from which most web pages are designed. There are many useful online resources which helps the user to learn HTML online. The resources provide tips, tricks and tutorials to learn the HTML language in online. Some of the best online resources to learn HTML language from basics till you become a professional are:

1. W3Schools is the ultimate source to learn HTML and some other languages like CSS, PHP, SQL, XML, JavaScript and much more.

W3Schools offers both CSS and HTML online courses as well as a variety of other courses. With each tutorial you can easily learn HTML and CSS with clear examples, simple explanations, and the least amount of explanation.

2. HTML GOODIES is the ultimate online resource to learn HTML. The HTML GOODIES serves the user from the year 1992. The goal of the HTML GOODIES online tutor is to provide all types of references, tips and guides to the growing web developers.

The website helps the users to learn the language with keyword references. The HTML tutors provide the complete guide to forms, buttons, frames, tables and more.

3. Tutorialized is the next place where you can find the complete guide for your learning. The Tutorialized posts lessons for HTML in online which help the user to learn the language by simple tips.

The lessons in the Tutorialized site are with good standard. The Tutorialized is the place where user can learn how to do new things with the HTML language. In short at Tutorialized you can find short and long tutorials for HTML. These tutorials prove very helpful for me and many others like me! Hope you like them too!

4. Bravenet is one of the free web pages to learn HTML. The web page provides the basics of HTML language for the beginner and new web developers of the language.

Here you can find the tips and guides to code the HTML and CSS together. HTML and CSS is the basic web essentials for a web design. Bravenet is the best provider of high quality lessons and tutorials to learn HTML along with CSS.

5. is the online educational site. This is the best site for the web designers, web professionals, educators, and students. The is the resources for any one who wants to learn about HTML Language. Visit the HTML Tutorials and Tips page to get the entire guidance for the language.

You can also find web site books for HTML language which provides great practice approach for the beginners and the intermediate web users.

6. HTML Dog is one of the best online resources for the web designers. HTML Dog features tutorials, tips, articles and references for HTML language.

This is the easy way to learn the language with simple and great resources. The articles and tutorials are classified into different sections for beginners, intermediate web developers and advanced designers. The quality of the articles and tutorials provides great ideas and guide the user to promote their web page.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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