How to Boost Up your Google Position?

Search engine optimization is one of the most important things you can do for your website and business. If it’s done well, it will help you reach a wider audience and attract valuable customers.

So, how to improve your website’s position in Google? It’s definitely much more than using the right keywords. But it’s something necessary and requires hundreds of other things to run properly.

Boost Up your Google Position

Analyze your current website

There’s a very simple rule: if you want to improve something, you need to know its current state. That’s why the first step should be hiring a company like Rank Higher Agency to conduct an external audit. SEO experts will use some professional tools to check the keywords for which your page appears in the Google index, the speed of your website, i.e. the time it takes for users to fully load, and whether your website is virus-free or not penalized by Google.

Use Google Analytics

You can also analyze your website using Google Analytics which can help you learn how to improve its search engine ranks based on real information collected over the years. Check:

1. The organic traffic

It’s probably the most important factor when it comes to positioning. It tells you how many users visit your website via the Google search engine. To see all the valuable numbers, just log in to your Google Analytics account and follow the guidelines.

2. Mobile traffic 

It’s a factor that determines how many users visit your website from mobile devices. If there are a lot of them and the bounce rate is high, then something is wrong with the mobile version of your site and thus it needs immediate improvement.

3. Bounce rate 

It is nothing more than the percentage of users who visit your website and leave it without any interaction. The lower this ratio is, the better.

4. Site content 

This data is very important in the context of what audience visits your website most often. Adjusting your content to the users’ needs is key to enhancing them to check your website on a regular basis.

On-site optimization

When you already have considerable knowledge about your website, you can start making some significant changes. When it comes to on-site optimization, it’s best to start with:

  • Optimizing titles and descriptions of all subpages
  • Creating a site map and implementing it into Google Search Console
  • Internal linking
  • Optimizing images – proper naming of the graphics that you use on your website, taking care of the ALT description, and determining the optimal dimensions of the photos
  • Basic content optimization (headings H1, H2, H3, keywords, user-friendly URLs)

We can’t forget about the so-called backlinks to our website. According to Google, they should be created naturally, but it’s not an easy task to do. The more backlinks to your website, the more signals Google gets that it should be higher in search results. You also need to remember that not every link is equal and it is best to get them from strong domains.

So, now you know a little bit about how to boost your Google position. It’s high time to start the optimization and be happy with the upcoming results.

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