How To Save WhatsApp Profile Pic To Your Android Phone?

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WhatsApp is a popular chatting application widely used by all smartphone users across the globe. The app is widely acknowledged and celebrated by people of all ages, specially because it lets the users stay in touch with their loved ones and friends and have unlimited conversations.

Apart from all the wonderful features that you get along with WhatsApp, the only one thing which seems limited is that we can’t save a WhatsApp user’s Profile pic, say for instance you want to save the profile pic as a contact image in your phone, then you can’t do that because WhatsApp doesn’t offer any such feature, unless you ask that person to send you that image.

In fact, there’s no app build to let you save WhatsApp profile picture to your phone: you have no way to save WhatsApp profile pic to your phone!


We can’t always have several of apps for various of our needs, though tricks and intelligence is all you need to get your stuff done! So yes, it is indeed possible to save your friend’s WhatsApp profile image to your phone and then you can use it as contact image. This guide is for an android phone, and it’s quite similar to the technique one uses for iPhone.

Here’s how you can save WhatsApp profile pic to your phone:

1. Open the image by clicking the profile of the WhatsApp user. This can be done by either clicking the image through your chat window, or open up the user’s profile -> info , and then clicking on the image will load up full size image.

Whatsapp contact

2. Now all you need to do is take a screenshot of that image through your Android phone. This can be done by pressing the Power and Volume buttons at the same time. This trick works on Android OS which are 4.0 or above.

Take Screen Shot

3. Exit WhatsApp and open up the contacts app, followed by the name of the contact in which you want to add the image, and then simply choose the ‘edit’ option from the menu.

edit contact in whatsapp

4. All you’ve got to do is tap on the user’s profile image, and open the option ‘Choose photo from Gallery’, followed by the shot you captured (p.s. it’s in your screenshots folder!).

whatsapp gallery

5. You can either crop the shot (WhatsApp profile picture) you took, or choose it as it is. When you’re done with the size of pic, click OK to set it as contact image.

croping whatsapp image

6. Now you have your friend’s WhatsApp profile pic as their contact image in your android phone. It was as simple as that!

New contact image whatsapp

This is as simple as it can get to save WhatsApp profile images to your phone. Now you can easily save the Profile pic by taking its screenshot and applying it to the contact.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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