Top 25 Magento eCommerce Plugins

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Magento eCommerce is a popular and much preferred open source web application, which is known for its flexibility and other advanced features. Many plugins and extensions have been introduced by Magento for Ecommerce websites and moreover, Magento eCommerce is a free scheme in all web hosting plans. The whole application has been designed and developed upon the Zend framework.

Magento eCommerce Plugins

With extraordinary flexibility and modular architecture, this framework removes various constrains for your ecommerce platform. More and more users prefer Magento for its incredible flexibility and the application also brings in many job trends over the web.

Thus, Magento developers are in high demand than that of Zend and Ocomemrce cart. As mentioned earlier, there are many Magento plugins available in the web market to choose from. These Magento eCommerce plugins and extensions help users with a range of requirements such as running new promotions, updating products, etc.

Hence, these plugins simplify the ecommerce process and makes it easily manageable for users. Here we list out the top 25 Magento eCommerce plugins that are developed for the sake of users.

1. Canonical URL for Magento

This advanced extension by Magento lets users add the new canonical links to the top of their Magento pages.

2. Yoast MetaRobots

Before the development of this plugin, Meta robots tags were difficultly controlled and managed. But, with the arrival of this tool, users can now easily manage the Meta robots tags to Magento pages. This plugin is basically classified as SEO plugin.

3. Remerce CMS Meta Robots

This plugin is used to add the option to place the Robots Meta for CMS pages. Users can employ this plugin in a simple manner like;

Go to CMS/ Manage Pages & go to the “Meta Data” tab under Robots. This is where people can place the Robots Meta Tag.

4. Auto CrossSell Products

This module keeps up automatic cross sell of products that are chosen by a customer on the shop.

5. Lazzymonks Google ads

This is a great facility through which one can add his/her Google ads to the right, left or both of the web page menu at the end.

6. Auctionmaid Matrxrate

This advanced plugin is basically used to improve the process of transporting fee table rate for outside transportation.

7. Category Admin product tab: edit product link

Product edit links are added in the category tab using one of these top 25 magento Ecommerce plugins.

8. Change Attribute Set

Product attributed can be easily changes even after registering any product. And, it is done through this great plugin option.

9. MailChimp ECommerce360 Reporting

This plugin comes with great reporting abilities and helps users to track out many things including email clicking, website browsing and involving in purchase process, etc. It includes managing the information and displays it on the campaign report.

10. Lazzymonks Twitter

Twitter updates will be displayed in the menu because of this plugin and it will allow updates from Twitter within the admin panel.

11. Product Gallery Importer

This powerful Magento plugin lets users to bring in images of all the products from a Comma separated values (CSV) files.

12. Fontis WYSISYG

This extension has been made to provide users with the feature of ‘what you see is what you get’ in each product description.

13. Mass Product Relater

This plugin is employed to register related products, cross sells and up sells.

14. Fooman Google Analytics Plus

Each and every keyword that a user types over the page will be tracked by this advanced plugin. Besides this, the extension also tracks users’ individual page.

15. Advanced Sitemap

This plugin is made to list out the products from the current Ecommerce shop.

16. Post Affiliate Pro Connector

Clicks and sale for affiliate tracking is effectively and automatically handled by this plugin along with Server Side Script, Client Side Script and API.

17. IW PayPal Standard Currencies

This plugin supports payment gateway procedures, especially for Paypal. Users are allowed to select any Paypal compatible currency and add it in their shop’s admin panel.

18. J2T Points & Rewards

This plugin gives points and rewards to buyers while purchasing products and these rewards are further used for giving discount in other purchases.

19. Fontis SecurePay

Payments are easily processed using this plugin through secure XML gateway.

20. Checkout Newsletter

Customers are sent emails regarding their recent transactions, latest products and some latest offers available in the shop through this plugin.

21. Events Calendar

This plugin shows current and important events over the related website.

22. Exploded Menu

This plugin replaces the regular menu with a multi-column drop down menu system.

23. Fooman Invoice=Order Number

This powerful plugin is used to create separate invoices, credit and shipment memo number for one order.

24. Teaserbox

Teasers are actually an advertisement, offering something free to generate customers’ interest. This plugin has been developed to show users the teasers of their product available in the market.

25. MostViewed module

This plugin automatically creates the list of products that are most viewable and preferred by the visitor. Besides this, the products will also be showed at the home page at the Customer Area.

There are many other Magento eCommerce plugins available but these are the top Magento eCommerce plugins and extensions. Many Magento developers are still working hard to develop more enhanced and great plugins and extensions in the Magento niche for the sake of eCommerce users.

An online shop owner needs to think seriously about these plugins to add plus to the look and feel of his/her eCommerce store. These extensions are capable to fine-tune the entire appearance and experience of your eCommerce web page as well as keep the shopping a remarkable experience in the mind of customers.

Therefore, you need to be serious about your eCommerce shop and should find out the most experienced Magento developer for your website. The above mentioned Magento plugins are almost free of cost and can be downloaded online. So, take advantage of these plugins for your eCommerce shop!


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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