Today I will share some tips which will help you to effectively spend time in Gmail inbox. There is a saying “For every minute spent in organizing, an additional hour is earned”. Well, this is one of the most important factors that decide the efficiency of a work. Official communication is one such important activity in life that calls for a lot of planning and organization. Be it the emails in your office or a short speech in a meeting, planning them properly is always a good idea.

There is a strange problem being experienced by regular email users in a business. Hundreds of emails are taking on the inboxes everyday and people get anxious on keeping them too long. A lot of time is being wasted in checking these mails (though you will find that most of these are junk mails). The need for a prompt communication is another thing that is forcing them to check emails instantly.
But all these need to be organized such that the other tasks for the day also get equal attention. Here are five simple tips that can make your mailing life more productive.
Let your Keyboards come into Play
Well, learning all the keyboard shortcuts and using them may sound a ridiculous job. But as you keep working you will learn that the keyboard is one thing that will increase your work speed tremendously.

- In the inbox page, use the j and k keys to move up and down and the Enter key to open a particular mail.
- Press the g and I keys one after the other instantly to go back to the inbox.
- Press the c key to compose a mail.
- Use R key to replay a mail.
- Use the A key to reply all the recipients present in a message.
- Use the E key to archive a message.
- Press the Shift + U key to mark a mail as unread.
- To send a message, tap the Tab + Enter key.
- And if you forget any of these keys, don’t worry, just tap the ? (question mark) Key and you will get the shortcut help screen.
- When you want to paste a content and want only the text part of it, use the ctrl + shift+ V.
Use the Boomerang Plug-in for Gmail
The Boomerang Plug-in can be used in reminding you of clients or colleagues that have not responded to your mail for a short period of time.

Organize your Mails Properly
With a big number of emails occupying your inbox, it would only be smart on your part to organize them well. Tagging is a powerful method of distinguishing the most important emails from the rest. It is very important to tag your emails intelligently.

Know your Gmail well with Gmail Lab
Gmail’s beta offer known as Gmail Labs contains tons of interesting and effective ideas that can convert your average Gmail usage standards to be very productive. Also Read : Secure Your Gmail Account Using the Two-Step Verification.
Sometimes time is more valuable than money. “Money spent can be earned but it’s not the same in the case of time”. The methods described above can be a very handy time-saving process to organize your Gmail inbox.