Sony Ericsson has launched new smartphones in India under its Xperia brand named Xperia Ray. Xperia Ray feature the latest Android 2.3 operating system along with a 1 GHz processor. With a 3.3″ screen and running the latest Android platform for smartphones and Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA Engine, a 8.1mp camera with Exmor R for mobile and HD video functionality.
At only 9.4mm thin, Xperia ray incorporates market leading designs. Xperia Ray incorporates a front facing camera and a scratch resistant screen with excellent resolution and brightness and integrated touch keys. Sony Ericsson’s unique integration of Facebook inside Xperia delivers a unique consumer experience for greater social interaction.
Xperia Ray : Full Technical Specifications
- 3G/GSM
- Google Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)
- 3.3″ inch (854 x 480 pixels) Capacitive multi-touch display
- 8.1 megapixel camera
- 16x digital zoom
- Front-facing camera for video calls
- HD (720p) video recording
- 4GB Micro SD Card included
- 300MB Internal Memory
- Wi-Fi Hotspot
- Bluetooth+ A2DP
- GPS (Google Maps with Street View)
- DLNA Certified
- FM Radio with RDS + 3.5 mm audio jack
- 1500mAh battery
- Talktime up to 7 Hours
- Standby Time up to 430 Hours
- Video playback time: Up to 6 hrs 45 min
- Dimensions: 111 x 53 x 9.4 mm
- Weight: 100 gm
Xperia Ray – Price & Availability :
Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray will be available in selected markets starting from the second week of September. It will be available in 4 color versions: Black, Gold, white and Pink. The price of Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray cell phone will be announced soon and expected to be between Rs 17,000-Rs 20,000.