How to Get Exdesi Invitations for Free

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Exdesi is a torrent website where you can download Movies, Music ,TV Serials and lot more stuff. You must get INVITED to join and get access to tons of latest Movies, Dubbings, Stage shows and Music! The registration is free of cost but you should get an invite from any registered member.

Get Exdesi Invitations for Free

I have decided to give Exdesi invitations to interested Tricks Machine Subscribers and if you are not a Tricks Machine subscriber then you just have to subscribe my blog via email.


ExDesi recently named their website as Extreme Desi. On this website you can download latest Bollywood Movies and Music torrents. The good things about Exdesi areĀ  you will never get a donation requests as other torrent websites. Also you will not find advertisements on site.

You have to give other torrent website invitations to at least one guy. And you will get another Torrent Invitation. So don’t just wait, start sharing your torrent Invitations.

Following torrent invitations will be accepted;

  • BWTorrent
  • Desitorrent
  • DCTorrent
  • ExDesi Torrent

Update : opens registrations to all users and you can register on their website using this link. I hope you all guys know how torrent sites works, if you don’t know then let me tell you some basic things, you have to maintain your torrent upload and download ration equal like 1:1.

If you only tries to download torrents and not helping other people using seeding or uploading torrent on their sites then administrator have rights to disable your account.

Anyways don’t think about that now, just head over to Exdesi and register your account to start downloading torrents.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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