9 Reasons Why Freelancing Is Better Than Any Other Jobs

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9-5 jobs these days cause monotone to youngsters. This is one of the prime reasons why millennials choose to freelance over time-bound jobs. Freelance certainly brings a sense of freedom but is not that breezy as it looks like.

Freelance career

There is also a steady requirement for hard work and commitment. Dealing with clients is not an everyday party. Thus, you should maintain a fine line between work and leisure. A professional digital marketer knows the true significance and benefit of freelancing.

Freelancing is a cool career option in many ways. This is one of the most rewarding options you could ever opt-in. For a freelancer, the entire industry is an open horizon. If you are already into freelancing then you must be aware of the taste of independence in going out on your own.

There are several reasons that you will think of starting your own venture as a freelancer or an entrepreneur.  Below is the overview of top reasons behind choosing freelancing over a time-bound job schedule-

Top 9 Reasons Why you Choose Freelancing 

If you have decided to go ahead as a freelancer here are 9 extraordinary points that will keep you going in the long run.

  1. The boss is you – This is the most amazing fact why anyone chooses freelancing. No one will scrutinize your work at the end of the day. You don’t have to hear about being late. You won’t face any pressure from anyone. You will be completely in charge of the entire working schedule. There will be no management and HR protocols which you have to abide by which is an amazing feeling to cherish.
  2. No more Monday morning blues – Monday mornings won’t be that bothersome is not necessarily you have to be an early bird. While others are running in haste to meet the clock while reaching the office, you choose the bed. This could be one of the top reasons why you should think of having your own start-up. You can also take a day off if you not feel like working. The perspective of your work execution will be entirely changed and refreshed.
  3. No need to work 40-60hrs. in a week – Not necessarily you have to take that much of workload. Working 10-15 hours in a day is the maximum we are telling you. You do work according to your wish and your rule. You can keep your bank account stable; there is no need for hunting clients as well. Bid adieu to monotonous overtimes and make your own decisions. You can even work in your pajamas. Sounds tempting?
  4. 9-5 days are gone – Freelancers start working from 11 am. They work till 4 or 5. Then they usually take an evening break and work late or don’t work. It all depends on the workload you have. Clients don’t bother how long you are working. They just need the deliverables on time. In that case you can work from a swanky cafeteria with a cup of brewing latte. All you need is a laptop and fast internet connection. The best part is you can work when you chill and vice versa.
  5. No more office tantrums – Once you choose to freelance you don’t have to go through tedious office issues and bothersome colleagues. At times office politics goes beyond tolerance where people end up quitting their jobs. Where home is your office; who cares of these things? You don’t need to be stressed about any coincidences happening around. This is simply incredible!
  6. Your choice, your rule – There are no working rules, no worth ethics, no office timings nothing. You can make every decision whether good or not that good for your business. Your call is everything.
  7. Cultivate new interest and develop them – A freelancer enjoys the fullest liberty to develop new interests and grow themselves with new associations. The opportunity to work on many things actually pays off. Wherein professional workplaces it takes time to work on varied clienteles. Most of the time the sphere of growth becomes confined when you work on the same project for the longest period. A freelancer needs not to think about this thing.
  8. No weekdays, no weekends– As discussed earlier a freelancer owns the fullest freedom in terms of working on a project. He/she has the time to relish every small and big occasion of life.
  9. Choosing preferable clients – In the starting days, people absorb any work available. Once you are built-up, you can choose whom to associate with or not. Running a business empowers you with a larger vision in terms of sealing profitable clients.

Navdeep Singh

Article by Navdeep

Navdeep Singh is a SEO strategist, and an independent blogger. He currently works at Internet Marketing School, Digital Marketing institute based in India. He likes to write about Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Facebook Ads and Blogging.

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