4 Useful Tips to Join Videos that Transition More Smoothly

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When you want to create and edit videos, you will very often have to join separate clips of footage together. The way in which you do that is important, and it can affect how smoothly your videos transition from one clip to the next.


To make sure the videos that you join transition smoothly, there are a few useful tips that you should try to follow:

Make sure both clips follow the 180-degree rule

The 180-degree rule will help ensure that the characters and elements in your clip maintain the same relative orientation to one another. To use it you will essentially need to establish an invisible line between the two subjects, and record from only one side of that line.

By maintaining the same relative orientation, the transition between clips will be less jarring and confusing for viewers.

Use the cut on the action when possible

One of the smoothest types of cuts to join videos is the cut on action. It can only be used when you are joining two clips that show the same action continues across them however, as it relies in viewers being focused on the action and not notice the cut.

Don’t accidentally disjoint the audio

As focused as you may be on trying to find the perfect point to cut the video, you shouldn’t forget about the audio and accidentally disjoint it by cutting to the next clip in the middle of a word, sentence, or sound. In some cases you may want to use the L or J cut to transition the audio separately, either slightly after or slightly before the video.

Avoid or mask jump cuts except for specific reasons

In general, you should avoid jump cuts due to the fact that they are one of the most jarring types of transitions. If it isn’t possible to avoid them, you should try to mask them by cropping and reframing one clip or adding a cutaway in between the jump cut.

The only exception to that rule is if you want to use jump cuts to convey visual meaning such as repetition or the passage of time.

If you want you can learn how to combine videos easily using Movavi Video Editor and try out the tips listed above to see how smooth they make your videos. On top of that, you can use its features to enhance the quality of your video, add background music, apply special effects, insert subtitles, and make other useful changes.

All said and done your goal should be to keep your video transitions as smooth as possible when you join them together. If you do it will be less jarring and distracting for viewers, and you’ll be able to keep their attention more effectively.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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