Getting Your Message Across without Falling Foul of the Spam Filters

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For any business, reaching out to both existing clients and those who might become new customers is essential to long term success. This is why you invest all that money in traditional and digital marketing campaigns, advertising and product promotions.


These days, there are more ways of interacting with the customer base than ever, via mailshots, social media, banner advertising and direct marketing to name but a few. Contacting those on your customer database and those potential new leads by email is one of the most popular methods, but it is fraught with danger. There is an immense amount of junk out there, and spam filters can block anything up to 400 billion emails in a given day.

If you have spent time, money and energy in creating that perfect mailshot, the last thing you want is for it to get caught in a spam filter and never even arrive in the recipient’s inbox. The most recent tools, which you can take a look at on the everycloudtech top cloud spam filter blog, use more sophisticated methods than ever to tell genuine messages from spam. Here are three tips for demonstrating to them that you are on the up and up, and your message deserves to make it through to the inbox.

1) Think about the subject box

A subject like “Take advantage of our discounts” might be concise and to the point, but it screams “Spam!” Avoid overtly sales-related words as much as possible, and try to include a word that is unique to the customer, such as his company name. OK, this means the message will have to be tailored to each recipient, but it is worth the effort, and will stand a far better chance of arriving safely at its destination.

2) Go easy on the links

Sure, your message will probably include a link to your website, and that is absolutely fine. But avoid having too many links in the message, as this will raise a red flag to the spam filter. Spammers will often send mails that are heavily laden with links, in the hope that the receiver will click on at least one of them, so this is one of the key things that the filter is looking out for.

3) Keep it simple

If your email looks like an advertising flyer, with ornate fonts on a coloured background and lots of pretty pictures, the spam filter will assume that is exactly what it is and will dump it straight in the spam folder. Here’s another tip – if there are more than one or two small images in your mail, the filter will jump to the conclusion that you are probably sending adult content, which we are guessing is not the message you are looking to convey.

In all honesty, a professional-looking memo-style email is far more likely to be read than something flashy and colourful, so it makes sense on every level to keep it simple and professional.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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