Monitor Your Child’s Internet Activity with TeenShield

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Nowadays, Internet is everything because Internet has everything. It allows you to connect globally. It allows devices (internet enabled ones) or anything that can run a microchip to communicate globally and exchange information. Devices like computers, phones, televisions are doing the same thing in today’s world and these devices are very common and everyone knows about these.


The above facility poses a problem for parents who are confused or are insecure about the free range with their child’s smartphone or tablet. In reality, the difference between reality and fantasy can be quite blurry.

The main concern is that when parents provide their child with his/her own smartphone or tablet then they won’t be able to know if their child is overstepping boundaries or developing bad habits just by looking at them. Smartphones and tablets are portable as compared to PC and television and they can be taken anywhere. PCs or televisions are placed in the plain sight of everyone.

In order to ensure that the child is not learning inappropriate things, parents will need to monitor their child’s activity when they are using Internet based services. This is very important because children don’t know what is good and what is bad for them. So for this, they basically need monitoring software.

TeenShield is a service that monitors your child’s smartphone and tablet so that you can keep an eye on your child’s activity. You can know how your child is using Android or iOS devices.

If you are logging TeenShield then you can log in to their account online from anywhere with an internet connection. By this, you can locate their locations and many things. After signing in, you can see what has been happening on all of the devices they have provided their children.

You can easily satisfy yourself by using TeenShied. The key is the online web panel that allows you to keep up with everything that’s going on no matter where they or their children happen to be.


It is compatible with all the Android phones and tablets. It also works on all iPhones, iPads and iPad Touch devices. You don’t need to root android phones and jailbreak iOS devices.


  • You can view call logs whether incoming and outgoing on your monitored device.
  • You can view text messages (both sent and received).
  • You can view iMessages if your child is using iPhone.
  • You can also see WhatsApp messages.
  • You can also view browser history and searched URLs.
  • You can also view Contacts.
  • You can also look into gallery. It means photos and videos can’t hide from you.
  • You can also track location.


  • No root is required for Android devices. It will work on your default original Android ROM.
  • No jailbreak is required for iOS device. Which means your warranty is secure.
  • Very simple and easy to understand user interface.
  • Easy to use and navigate.
  • No App needed on device.
  • You can easily make sure that phone isn’t used at dinner or while driving.


The only thing is that you will require GPS connected for it to work.


You must be careful when you are deciding about giving smartphone to your child. An understanding must be there between parents and child that child is not to use the internet for things that parents wouldn’t approve of. Without monitoring, parents have no way of knowing whether their child is making healthy choices or not.

TeenShield allows you to do so. It’s a very good app and you should try it if you want to make sure that your child is appropriately using the smartphone you provide them.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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