Things to Lookout with Android 6.0 Marshmallow

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The new version of Android is out there in the web market, which is known as Android 6.0 Marshmallow. But you have to wait for a while unless you own a Nexus 6, Nexus 5, and Nexus 9.


Well, the newest version of Android – 6.0 Marshmallow comes out with some of the advanced features that will give you more control over your Smartphone and also improve its performance.

Instead of completely improving the look, the Google used the same colorful design theme that was introduced with Android 5.0 Lollipop in 2014. But, yes, Google focused on some of the robust features that will give a soothing experience to the users.

And in this blog post, we will share some of the new and compelling features that will boost the popularity of Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

So, here are the 7 features from Android 6.0 Marshmallow,

1. Android Marshmallow Comes with brilliant App Search Bar and Favorites

The latest version of Android comes up with the stylish App search bar at the top of the app drawer that will enable you to manually search for an app.

It is essentially a text bar where you can type the name of your app, and Android Marshmallow will search out that particular application from the collection of your apps. In fact, there is also an option where you can use the search term to explore other apps in Google Play.

If you have lots of apps, then you can use a search bar to find an app easily and quickly.

To an addition, there are four different app slots at the top of the app menu. All these slots are appointed by using an algorithm that picks out the most imperative apps that you have used both recently and regularly (a type of automated favorites bar).

2. Google Has Integrated a Memory Manager

Android Lollipop carries a memory-hungry nature that has raised loads of performance related issues in phones.

But with the introduction of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, you can find out the memory usage of all your installed applications, without even making the use of third-party app.

This new feature is offering a new ‘Memory’ area in the main Settings menu.

Instead of adjusting with how much memory apps are allowed, it essentially monitors the RAM usage and check out if there are any apps that are doing any undesirable activity. In fact, it allows you to see the RAM usage over the past 3, 6, 12, or 24 hours that will help you identify when and where things are going wrong.

So, this is an incredible feature.

3. Fingerprint Support

Finger scanner is the most common feature in Android phones, but the Google has integrated the support for a fingerprint reader in the Android Marshmallow – system that will support the hardware natively.

It enables the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P to utilize a fingerprint scanner to unlock your smartphone as well as your apps. To an addition, you can also use your fingerprint to process payments.

4. App Permission

In the past, app permissions were granted at the time you install an app. But Android Marshmallow comes up with a feature where apps will ask for your permission to access them, at the point where they want to utilize it.

With the help of this feature, you will get a clearer picture that will allow you to view what app is doing in the background.

Overall, this feature adds extra security to Android and offers you more control over how apps can utilize your phone’s resources.

5. Doze

One of the most common problems faced by Android Lollipop users has been uncertain standby times on their Smartphones. Usually, the standby time and power is affected because of the apps that are continuously running in the background.

But to enhance the battery life of your phone, Android Marshmallow introduces a new feature that realizes when the phone is in the relaxed state with an objective to save its power.

With the introduction of this new feature, known as Doze, you can save the standby time and performance of your phone efficiently. It is a cutting-edge technology that discovers when your phone is motionless (not being used) so that it can be sent into a sleep mode.

Once your phone is integrated with Doze, it will allow you to check for updates from apps while still remain active for calls, messages and other related activities.

According to Google, this feature can help in making your battery life last two times longer in standby mode with the help of using some of the background services.

6. Now on Tap

Now on Tap is an incredible new feature that allows you to press and hold the home button and this will analyze all the information (based on what is on your phone’s screen) and give you related cards.

The information mentioned on the cards completely depends on what’s on your screen.

For instance, if you are texting message to your friend about where to meet for lunch, and mentioned a restaurant name in the message and then activate the Now on Tap, the card will give you the contact number of that particular restaurant, and also find it on Google Maps.

According to Google, this feature will work on multiple phones with both onscreen and physical home buttons.

7. Insert a Lock Screen Message

This feature of Android Marshmallow allows the user to add a lock screen message to your phone. However, the message needs to be short and descriptive that can easily convey the message directly to the user.

Similar to the data front, this little extra line is drafted in lower case, making it a less bright than the clock.


These seven features are some of the highlights, in our view. But the Google is introducing some of the other advanced features to the OS in Android 6.0 Marshmallow.


Lucy Barret

Article by Lucy

Lucy Barret is working for HireWPGeeks Ltd., a leading WordPress Development Company. She works as a WordPress Developer and has a team of expert developers to assist her in every project. She is fond of writing techy articles and loves to share her thoughts with the large community of WordPress. Follow her company on social media channels like Facebook and Googke+.

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