Maximise the Effectiveness of Your Landing Pages with These Simple Steps

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Search engine optimization can often feel like an uphill battle in the dark; with consistent changes to the Google algorithm and the content which makes up search result pages, it is difficult to stay on top of an effective content marketing strategy 24/7/365.

Difficult, however not impossible.

There are a handful of evergreen tasks to consider when trying to amplify your search optimization activities:

1. Make it easier for website visitors to find your best or most popular content.

Popular contents

Consider adding additional sidebar and footer widgets that dynamically display your most popular, curated content. Focus on usability as placement really matters. In order to tweak our link placement, we learn about our users’ habits with the heat-mapping plug-in.

Remove all barriers to your best content, and be creative! You can also use other media types to accomplish this (more on that later).

2. Adjust keywords used within articles and do a little bit of house cleaning with SEMrush; re-optimize your lesser performing content by re-evaluating keywords, meta descriptions, et al.

Tailoring the copy within your website to utilize words and terms that are commonly sought after in search results will create more organic search results. For maximum effect, use keywords in title tags and h tags –however don’t write a robotic meta-description.

Also consider adding link anchors throughout your website with relevant keywords, too. Just make sure you don’t overdo it.

3. Leverage data collected by third-party services and applications; learn what your website landing pages are ranking for and get suggestions for competitive keywords.

A handful of reliable third-party tools include:

  • SEMrush and Google Search Console Analytic reports provide great insight into which keywords you might want to emphasize in your content, and a whole lot more
  • The Google Keyword Planner provides the option of running a website page URL through it; this tool can provide great keyword expansion opportunities.
  • Google Suggest or Uber Suggest can also help expand your keyword opportunities by providing valuable suggestions and search data.

4. Adding content and exploring different content types will also give your content a kick.

Additional keyword research often means additional understanding of related topics, and with this in mind, use your research to inspire new content. You can write new copy or add to existing content with the help of a top digital marketing agency in Sydney.

In either case, remember that you need not only offer this new content in text format –why not consider alternative media types, such as video, sideshow, audio, or info-graphics. It has been proven that using rich media within site content increases the likelihood of it going viral. Just make sure it gels well with the rest of the page content.

5. Create an Effective Call-to-Action with a specific, customized offer. SEO is not only about appeasing the Google gods; website visitors should still be front and centre.

Start with your most popular, high-traffic content; is there a way you might be able to enhance the content with an “upgrade” or other offer specific to your audience?

Pairing your best website content with a relevant offer will dramatically increase your landing page conversions.

6. Outreach and Promotion

There are a few ways to get your content out there quickly:

  • Seek dead links on website blogs and offer up related content on your own website to fill the void
  • Reach out to industry bloggers with sample blog content enriched with backlinks; the idea is to make it as easy as possible for them to link back to you
  • Choose social platforms that make sense! Not every platform is suitable for every campaign, so don’t spread yourself too thin –do your research

All in all, if you follow these tips you will be able to leverage a little more Google power from your website. Any suggestions, tricks, tips, or advice? Let us know in the comments!


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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