Hosting and managing a website or even a web enterprise may seem sophisticated. But there is a lot that goes behind the working and success of a company. Sure, help and aid from an expert is very welcomed but the next question arises, whom do I categorize as an expert.
Several web hosting solution providers are available in present date. But the real issue lies in whether they have enough experience and reach in the global market.
Given the current scenario, not many qualify to gain the stature of being called “experts in global web hosting solutions”.
RoseHosting Review is certainly one of its kind web hosting company. With years of experience as a consultant advisor, this firm has become one of the leading business and personal web hosting solution provider. The long lasting reputation of RoseHosting as being the only web hosting company in 2001 to offer commercial LINUX virtual server keeps it miles ahead of its competitors.
There are several companies that take various steps just to look as if they offer more than what is promised, but what they are actually doing is overselling bandwidth and space. This is certainly not the case with as customers are in for a no-overselling policy as well 30 days money back guarantee.
Buyers who choose Rosehosting are very well satisfied of their business approach, excellent service, 100 % uptime and 24/7 support center. All this and many more allows the customers to get the peace of mind they deserve.
They value their service more than anything and treat every customer the same. And because of this support that they get from the buyers, has seen itself grow into a large and powerful web hosting solution providers over the years. This becomes better as they are fully aware of their customers’ needs and provide them with quality equipment, desired bandwidth and optimum security.
Regarding the safety of files and confidential data, customers need not worry as all of their servers are located at their Data Center in St. Louis, Missouri and under full hardware surveillance. All servers have features like:
- 32 GB of DDR3 system RAM or more
- 2 x Quad Xeon CPUs or better
- Gigabit Ethernet Ports or better
- Hardware RAID1 or RAID5.
Rosehosting covers all features of VPS hosting such as Linux VPS hosting, Managed VPS hosting, SSD VPS hosting and many others. They also provide more services to clients such as Domain Registration, GeoTurst SSL Certificate, Server Monitoring and Merchant accounts.
VoiceIP Solutions, ALTARUM INSTITUTE , Chicago Tribune are among many of the reputed customers that Rosehosting provide their services to.
Data Center and Network information of are stated below:
- Multiple Gigabit and OC-3 connections through Level 3, Broadwiding, Savvis, Qwest etc.
- Redundant Gigabit Ethernet- based network, using Extreme Networks equipment
- Ultra-fast backbone connectivity- extremely low latency and ping time
- Dual redundant Liebert air conditioner systems
- Redundant dry fire extinguishing systems.
They always try to provide the best service possible in the first place. All hard drives are mirrored to two or more identical hard disks to ensure no data loss even when one disk fails. There is whole variety of LINUX distributions for the users to choose from such as Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu etc.
Rosehosting has exceptional support services that are working around the clock to respond to customers’ whenever needed. All issues and problems are resolved under 1 hour which is quite good, giving the extreme work load. Almost everyone who has had prior experience with will give them instant thumbs up.
With an outstanding uptime record of 99.99% plus since 2003, is a choice that can be made with your eyes shut. If you are planning to buy web hosting with then get the 50% OFF Your First Month! Coupon: 50FIRST. Use this link to proceed.
- $19.95 P/M