It’s been just three weeks since Pantech Discover was launched in the market. Expected to hit the AT&T stores, the Android device comes at a nominal price tag of $49.99. We got the device on our desk – it’s time to go hands-on on Pantech Discover.
Here is a breakdown on the technical specifications of Pantech Discover:
- Processor: 1500 MHz Qualcomm Snapdragon SP4
- Display: 4.8 inch
- Resolution: 720p
- Camera: 12.6 Mega pixel
Processor, Display, and Camera
The Dual Core processor comes with a capacious RAM that delivers more speed to perform your operations much faster. However I would say this would still be a nice phone for an average user. If you are a frequent user, then chances are that you may be bogged down due to lack of speed at times.
The 4.8 inch display with a descent 720p resolution is good, and the 12.6 MP camera lets you click the shutter and capture the images clearly.
Structure and navigation capabilities
Pantech Discover sports a solid structure. The rounded glass gives a nice feel in your hands – you will not have any problems gripping the phone. This is good because we have got a lot of complaints from buyers of various other models that the structure doesn’t contribute to a feel-good factor.
We tried performing various tasks such as text messaging and web surfing – and we were happy with the device’s performance.
The speakers are located at the top on the front and back sides of the phone, so there wasn’t any need for us to reposition the phone. The sound quality was so good – it’s much better than most of the devices out there.
One of the main features we loved about this phone was the amazing 3D surround system. Man, the sound quality was simply superb!
Lovely user interface!
We didn’t have any clue as to how the UI would be like. Phew! It wasn’t disappointing. It was better than Sense or TouchWiz which we happened to review recently. Pantech has come out with a nice UI – and has paid close attention to its icons in the menu bar.
The 2100 mAh battery was able to hold good for about 7 hours without glitches. We hear the manufacturers are saying that they are planning to integrate the Jelly Bean in the device, but we never felt like the Ice Cream Sandwich had to be replaced.
Conclusion – Pantech Discover (AT&T)
So, let us conclude our review on Pantech Discover. Our overall view about the device and its functionalities is that: it’s good for the $49.99 budget at which it’s priced at. The sound quality is awesome, the structure is nice, the features are good, and the polished user interface is impressive. Powered by the Ice Cream Sandwich, the device is quite fast and the display effects are vibrant.
Overall, Pantech Discover is a good buy for its reasonable price tag. However, if you are a person who looks closely into the spec sheet then we would suggest you look for some other model – may be a different device at a higher price tag with some impressive features would be a great choice for you.