HTC India has launched its flagship smartphone HTC One X+ in India on the occasion of upcoming festival – Diwali. And as per official press release issued by the company, HTC One X+ will be available in the India sometime this month for INR 40,190.
HTC One X+ is the successor to the HTC One X, it features 1.7 GHz quad-core NVIDIA Tegra 3 AP37 processor, 64GB of internal storage and a 4.7-inch display. It also has a 2100mAh battery that, according to HTC, offers 37 percent more talk time compared to its predecessor. There is an 8-megapixel rear camera on board and 1.6-megapixel front camera.
The HTC One X+ smartphone arrive with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean out-of-the-box with HTC Sense 4+. I was hoping for Android 4.2 Jelly Bean on HTC One X as few days ago, Google unveiled 4.2 jelly bean with Nexus 4.
HTC One X+ Feartures and Specs :
- 4.7 inch Super LCD 2 display with 720p resolution
- Processor – 1.7 GHz quad-core NVIDIA Tegra 3 AP37 processor
- 1 GB RAM
- 64 GB internal memory
- 8 MP camera with LED Flash and 1.6 MP front facing camera
- Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS
- HTC Sense 4+
- Beats Audio
- 2100 mAh battery
And like all other HTC series smartphones, HTC One X+ also offers HDMI connectivity (through USB port), it also has NFC, DLNA and Bluetooth 4.0 support.
As per Faisal Siddiqui (Country Head, HTC India)
“We are taking the award-winning HTC One(tm) X to a new level with the introduction of the new HTC One(tm) X+,” said Mr. Faisal Siddiqui. “Our customers will have super-fast browsing, an even better camera and more immersive entertainment with Beats Audio.”
At the same event, HTC has also launched its dual-SIM Android phone named HTC Desire SV and its Windows Phone 8 devices named HTC 8X and HTC 8S.