Samsung Galaxy S3’s S-Voice App leaked Online

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S-Voice is the SIRI like android app which introduced recently on Samsung Galaxy S3, and it’s one of the big new feature of the Galaxy S3 smartphone. But like Flipboard android app, which was leaked few days ago, S-Voice app also leaked on the XDA forum.


Not surprisingly, it does not come with a blanket compatibility for all devices, but we do know that this Galaxy Nexus group of owners came back with favorable reports. And S-Voice android app is only available for Android ICS smartphone users, If you have got an Android 4.0 ICS device or or custom ROM and if you want to try out the newest Siri clone, you are in luck: an XDA Developers member got their hands on the APK for Samsung’s S-Voice app.

How to install S-Voice apk on your Android Phone

  • Download S-Voice android app from here.
  • Extract the downloaded file on your computer. You will get a file that is voicetalk.apk, the original S-Voice app.
  • Now, transfer the apk file on your sd card.
  • Open the File Manager on your smartphone, open the file. apk and install it on your device .
  • Wait for the setup to finish.
  • Now, head back to the house to watch all the applications , and start S-Voice from there.

S-Voice has been installed on your phone now. Enjoy the new android voice assistant.

According to The Next Web, Samsung and it’s partner Vlingo are blocking S-Voice app requests from other smartphones. The app still runs on any ICS 4.0 device, but it reports back network errors. The requests to use the service aren’t even processed by Vlingo’s servers because they are coming from different android phones. S Voice sends a string of information towards Vlingo servers identifying the user’s device, so any request sent from the device that doesn’t identify as being a Samsung Galaxy S3 is easily blocked. Check the S Voice in action below :

Theoretically it’d be feasible for the app to transmit info identifying the device as a Galaxy S3. But Spoofing these devices ID should fool Vlingo servers into processing the requests.

Download S-Voice Android App


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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