Too Much Clutter? How to Clean Up your Blog

 Clean Up your Blog with the following 4 steps mentioned. Blogging is one of the most common activities on the Internet, exemplified by the over 156 million blogs in existence. If you are a prolific blogger, it is likely that you have multiple blogs accumulated over time. Addressing multiple topics and utilizing complicated web design, a long lasting blog has probably collected clutter along the way.

However, bloggers need not hold on to the clutter, fearing that it will affect the whole blog.Instead, perform a bit of spring cleaning in order to bring the blog back to a clean, polished feel.

4 Ways to Clean Up Your Blog

There are a number of tips that can help bloggers clean up their blogs and give it a sleek, polished look. The following steps can help blogs get a revitalized touch:

1. Essential Web Design

One of the main reasons why a blog appears cluttered results from the web design. Many blogs include a wide variety of elements, but only a small percentage is actually necessary.

There are a number of ways to achieve this task, whether by choosing a simple color scheme or to revamp the framework of your content management system. Removing unused landing pages can also have a positive effect on your site and effectiveness of lead generation.

Do you have a plethora of links on your homepage and blog posts? What about buttons, ads or navigation menus? If your blog possesses the same links on its homepage that it has in the past, there’s a high chances that some of these links have gone dead.

Dead links give a bad impression on your blog, as it makes it appear outdated and out of touch.  Not only will this clean your blog, but it will help visitors and readers stay focused while browsing your site.

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3. Addressing Content

If your blog has existed for several years, it’s likely to have addressed several topics and niches during its long run. It makes sense: keeping a blog populated with consistent content is no easy endeavor, and many bloggers often turn towards various subjects in order to fill this need. However, this tactic can also give a blog a cluttered, disorganized feel, and make it appear as though it is all over the place. Try to focus on a few core topics, and make secondary niches more of a special feature.

4 Stay Consistent

If its been a while since a blog has seen any fresh content, then old posts are most likely on the front page. Posts tagged with dates clearly convey the stagnant nature of your blog, and give it an old feel. The most effective way to revitalize such a blog is to post fresh, relevant content that catches a reader’s eye and compels them to reader further. Allowing a blog go stale is the quickest way to let it collect dust and fall to the wayside.

I hope all above steps will help you guys to clean up your blog, and you, which tricks you use to clean up your blog, share them with us via comments below.

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