Web Design Resources to Speed Up your Website

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Web Design Resources and some tools which will help you to Speed Up your Website. Although flash templates are widely available these days, people have used up a lot of time attempting to perk up client sites with the focus on minimalist designing of interface and code. Although the minimalist designs aren’t the preference for all clients the idea of lesser code and quicker loading goes over fine always. These days, many applications designed and coded have an excess of CSS and Javascript files. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to solve this issue.

Let us have a glance at some of the Web Design Resources, tools, and sites for solutions. And most of these sites also offer graphic design brochures and clock icons at an economic rate.

1. Bundle Fu

For Bundling CSS/JS Assets in less than 10 Seconds, websites offer plenty of small css/js files, which cause one additional round trip for each file to server & back. But this is not good. You get everything into a large parcel and sends out everything simultaneously. ” Best of Web Design Resources.

You can make webpages load quick by mixing and Compressing CSS and Javascript. Pages that are produced by the CMS were by itself very small and clean, however these webpages still needs more time for loading. It takes 8 sec or more for loading a mostly empty webpage, even with fast connection. The server generates the webpage in around 350ms, so there is no setback here.

2. YUI Compressor

This is a JS compressor which, on top of removing white-spaces and comments, obfuscates the local variables by employing the smallest likely variable name. Such obfuscation is secure, even while employing constructs like ‘with’ or ‘eval’. The YUI Compressor is also capable of compressing CSS files securely.

3. JSMin

JSMin takes away comments and needless whitespace from your JS files. Normally it reduces file size by half, which helps in quicker downloads. Also it supports a more meaningful style of programming as it removes the cost of downloading literate and clean self-documentation.

4. LZ77

This one is the essential algorithm for lossless data compression. By employing Java2Script Simple RPC technology, it drives the string, which is to be compressed, back to the server, which is one Java Serlvet container, and server runs the LZ77 algorithm for compressing given string, and packs compressed string back to the browser side. This compression is designed particularly for JS sources; it offers alternatives for how JS codes are compressed. Mostly, it compresses JS at 40%~60% ratio. Also, if you check off JS options given, it can compress any string given.

Merge and compress your Java and CSS

So your website is running on the greatest and latest Java libraries, but the supporting CSS and JS files are starting to slow down things. You’re not a JS pro, so what should you do? The good thing for us is that other people have encountered this issue already and have a fine solution.

1. ShrinkSafe

This is a JS compression system that can reduce size of scripts by one third or even more – this depends on how you do the coding. There are other tools also to shrink JS files, however ShrinkSafe is special. Rather than relying on the brittle regular expressions, this one is based the JavaScript interpreter, Rhino. This helps ShrinkSafe to transform any file’s source with a lot more confidence. Ultimately, the resulting script will function the same way as the file you uploaded. Also, ShrinkSafe will never modify a public variable or API. So you can drop the compressed edition of your JS into your WebPages without having to change the code that uses it.

2. Javascript Compression With Rhino and Maven

Rhino and Maven for JavaScript Compression at Build Time. AJAX-based Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) make heavy use of JavaScript. To improve the user experience of RIAs we can minimize the number of (JavaScript) file requests and reduce their size.

3. MobilVox Maven JavaScript Plugin

This one is a Maven Plugin that can manipulate JS in a web application. At present, it has the capacity to compress all JS in a Java web application.

Minification v Obfuscation

JS is a load-and-go programming language. Programs are carried to the execution website as text (not as semi-compiled or executable class files) where it gets compiled and executed. JS works nicely with the Web, which is in fact a text delivery system, as it is delivered as text.

Optimizing Webpage Load Time

It is commonly accepted that quick loading webpages enhance user experience. Recently, many websites have begun using AJAX to bring down latency. Instead of a round trip via the server getting a wholly new webpage with each click, time and again the web-browser could either change the outline of the webpage directly or get a small quantity of javascript, XML, or HTML from server and modify the existing webpage. In both cases, this radically improves loading speed for fresh content.

Do you know more Web Design Resources to speed up the website ? Share with us Web Design Resources via comments below.


Vishal Gaikar

Article by Vishal

Meet Vishal Gaikar, the tech wizard hailing from Pune, India, who's on a mission to decode the digital universe one blog post at a time. When he's not tinkering with gadgets or diving deep into the digital realm, you can find him concocting the perfect cup of chai or plotting his next adventure. Follow his tech escapades on Twitter and buckle up for a wild ride through the world of innovation and geekery!

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