8 Facebook Privacy Tips

Privacy on Facebook is important to users all over the world. You do not want to be among those who were victimized by having a weak password or who was not aware of the available privacy controls. Here are eight Facebook security setting and considerations to keep in mind when it comes to the privacy of your Facebook page.

8 Facebook Privacy Tips

1. Don’t use your full birth-date

Using your full birthdate makes you the perfect target for identity thieves. You are providing one more piece of information which makes you a prime target. With your exact birthdate and the other information which is scattered on the web, more information can be discovered. Leave the month and day and leave off the year if you are determined to get presents. Always keep Facebook Limited profile settings.

2. Privacy controls

At the bottom of every post there is a picture of a lock. You can choose who you wish to view particular posts. If you are striving for a position and you know that your potential employer might not be happy with escapades, you can go back to retroactively alter your settings. You can also selectively choose who gets to see your post and create lists.

3. Lists

You might have people that are friends from one aspect of your life who do not need to know about the party that you attended on Saturday night. With lists, you can better control who knows what. Lists are an automated way of changing your privacy controls. To create lists, go to account, click on privacy settings, click on customize settings and then customize.

4. Don’t use an easy password

Weak passwords are ones that use recognizable words or numbers. If your password is in the dictionary, then it is weak. Protect your Facebook account from identity thieves by using a combination of numbers and letters within your password. Use numbers for some of the letters, like 3 for E and one for l.

5. Control your likes

Employers will often search through Facebook to find their applicants. Many people can see whether you like a page. If you are concerned about liking something that others may shun, you can remove some of your likes on Facebook. Go to your profile page and edit your likes and dislikes. You can also customize your privacy settings Facebook to determine who is able to see this information.

6. Don’t talk about being away from home

You do not want your place to become a target for thieves. Go on vacation, but only talk about it when you return. Be vague about the details of your trip. If your address has been provided in your profile, you are asking for someone to steal everything in your home. Remember that potential thieves have become technologically savvy. This is one of the best facebook privacy tips.

7. Disable instant personalization

Facebook will automatically put your likes and posts onto your wall. It will also automatically send out information to Yelp, Pandora and other partners. If you are concerned about your information going to advertisers, you want to disable instant personalization. Go to account, then new Facebook privacy settings, then applications and websites then instant personalization. You want to edit the settings and uncheck ‘allow select partners’ to remove yourself from the instant personalization program.

8. Know what you are presenting

Remember that everything in your profile and on your wall is potentially available to anyone. Are there any embarrassing photos of you which potential employers can find? You can untag photos to make sure that others are not drawing the wrong conclusions. You are in control of the image that you portray.

You want to control your Facebook privacy tips to prevent people from stealing your identity, advertising their products to you and disallowing you from your perfect job. Take the time to go through the privacy settings (under Account) so that you know exactly what impression you are making on others.

Let me know what you think about above Facebook Privacy Tips, I hope all of them will help you.

  1. Awesome article Vishal 🙂
    Lol…6th Tip Don’t talk about being away from home…Is very funny 😉 .
    But that also a true thing 🙂

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